404 after csv import

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  viguursthijs 10 years ago.

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    Post count: 273

    for sure i did something stupid (wouldn be the first time:))…

    If I import listings with CSV i get them nice on the map and the listing-overview-pages, but the detail-page itself gives an 404-error.

    This happens not with frontend-entered listings: they work perfect.

    I’m quite sure that the CSV-template is ok. We have used it before and it worked. Also the fact that the listing appear in the listing-overview-mode, and we can view all content in the CMS means that the content was imported correct, I guess.
    The URL’s look logical, breadcrumbs look nice…
    I tried to refresh the wordpress-permalink-page (flushing)… nothing changed…
    Location-settings look good; translation of country: well done…

    See attachment: the listingpage looks fine…

    Any suggestion?

    Thanks again!


    Post count: 273

    I Think I’ve found the reason: the listings were imported with the country already translated into NEDERLAND (instead of Netherlands).
    New (frontend-listings) get automatically Netherlands(English) as country in the database. On the site itself everything is smoothly translated.

    After correcting the country CSV everything worked fine.


    Post count: 29970

    So we can set this to resolved?


    Post count: 273


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