CSV upload no longer working on site and other major problems

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 48

    Hi Stiofan,
    There are some problems that have been going with my site.

    1. CSV upload no longer working after having uploaded 30000 listings successfully.

    2. Homepage Map does not work at all. Site loads at snails pace or does not load at all after activating map in the homepage.

    I have disabled map on homepage so that you will be able to login.
    But as of now csv upload does not work.

    Please look in to problem as early as possible.




    Free User
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    Post count: 29970

    Hi Kevin
    There must be some errors in your CSV, because I was able to upload the CSV without any problem after deleting all but the first entry. I suggest try to upload in smaller sections so you can find which one is the culprit.

    I’ll notify Stiofan about the slow loading of the home page map.


    Free User
    Post count: 48

    Hi Guust,
    I should have changed the title slightly to import not working.

    Actually the file gets uploaded but does not import anything here.

    I have even successfully uploaded and imported files with 5000 records earlier but now it does not seems to work anymore.


    Post count: 29970

    I have now successfully uploaded your CSV twice.
    Just try one listing at the time, it does work.
    If there is one listing with an error, nothing will upload.

    Let’s wait for Stiofan.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    I only see 1 listing loaded on the home map?

    If you are trying to load 30k markers on your map, it will do it as fast as your server can perform that task. I would consider reducing the max number of listings to appear ina map to few hundreds…

    What would be the point in showing such a high number of pins on a map anyway?

    Let us know,



    Free User
    Post count: 48

    Hi Paolo,
    I have no control on the amount of map markers displayed on the map.

    I would surely like to limit the number of map markers displayed on the map irrespective of number of listings in the database.

    I earlier tried to limit things by choosing default location on first site load. But there are regions such as california which has listings over 30000 thousand and I am still to add another 200000 listings in the database for different states of US.

    Today I earlier removed homepage map to speed up things but it seems I am not able to import listings.
    I am not sure how much memory resources it would require.

    Can we add a function to limit the number of map markers at all times?

    I would also like the problem of csv import get solved.
    I cannot import listings in few hundreds as I have to import thousands of listings in minimum time.

    Let me know how we can go ahead.




    Post count: 29970

    Kevin, I am sure you can upload all of them at once, but not if there is an error in the file.
    Break the file in half and try then, and keep halving until it works. Unless you have a better way of locating the erroneous row in the file.


    Free User
    Post count: 48

    Hi Gusst,
    Thanks for advice.

    I uploaded other files successfully, may be this one had some particular issue.


    Post count: 29970

    So have you been able to solve it now?

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