Deactivated Cache Plugin

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 2 months ago.

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    Jimmy Ryan
    Expired Member
    Post count: 202

    I am creating a WP, AVADA, and GD site. I spent time tweaking the new home page using AVADA and saved my work. I logged out to eat and upon my return none of my Home Page changes were displaying. I deleted cache, deleted browser cache, flushed dns, restored my two browsers but nothing worked because the Home Page continued to display the work prior to my tweaking changes. I tried Chrome and Firefox but the Home Page tweaking changes were not visible on the front-end.

    I logged in as Admin and my Home Page changes magically display on the front-end as long as I am logged in as Admin.

    My hosting company InMotion looked things over and determined no cache exists on the server and perplexed why the Home Page was not displaying correctly unless logged in as Admin.

    I deactivated GD and all GD plugins hoping to isolate the problem. Home Page does not display correctly on the front-end unless I log in as Admin.

    I turned GD back on and turned on all plugins EXCEPT BOOST CACHE PLUGIN. Still Home Page displays the outdated Home Page unless I log in as Admin.

    I ACTIVATED BOOST PLUGIN, DELETE CACHE and then immediately DEACTIVATE and Home Page is flawless and displaying correctly now that BOOST is freshly deleted.

    Two hours of additional tweaking later, and even though BOOST PLUGIN remains DEACTIVATED the Home Page changes are not displaying unless I ACTIVATE and DELETE CACHE and turn off BOOST again.

    Why is BOOST continuing to accumulate cache while DEACTIVATED and why can most recent tweaking be seen when logged in as ADMIN but not seen by viewers on the front-end?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Jimmy,

    normally that shouldn’t happen, but we can’t tell what else it might be causing this without checking your website. Please provide a link, admin and FTP credentials and we will have a look.


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