Serious ssues since updates – needing stable environment

This topic contains 11 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  DesignGuy 9 years, 12 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 92

    Paolo and team,
    We attempted to bring a production server online after working on local servers. With a fresh server install and two days work we were making progress before the last round of updates hit us. Since the updates it seems like we are trying to herd rabbits; running from one crashed function to another, one set of errors to another. I imagine that you are sensing frustration from your users. We know you take this product family very seriously and professionally, as we take the business we are trying build based on the products just as seriously.

    We’ve reinstalled over WP, uninstalled anything not made by GD, deactivated, reactivated and done everything possible to troubleshoot and ID problem modules. All this is to say that the environment has deteriorated to the point of needing to trash and start over again, losing weeks work and money. I’m having to explain why our project was more of a dream than a vision. We need some serious help to stabilize the product set in a vanilla multi-locaiton environment using your standard plugins. What can i do to help, my job depends on it.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    I imagine that you are sensing frustration from your users.

    To be honest, not at all after this update. Everything went quite smooth, except for 2 users including you. Out of +3000 active install it’s not bad at all.

    running from one crashed function to another, one set of errors to another

    Can you make examples? I understand your frustration, but if you read back what you wrote, you provide very little, if no information at all to help us assist you.

    Updating should be as simple as clicking the update button. At least so it is for all our test websites and for the vast majority of users.

    If you provide a detailed list of problems experienced during last update, the urls where the problems are easily traceble and wp admin credentials to have a look at settings, I’ll be happy to go through the list point by point with you and make sure everything is fixed and stable as we all need it to be.

    Thank you


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    Expired Member
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 92

    Well that was a bummer. now that i know this can’t be left empty. here are a batch more


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    Stiofan O’Connor
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    Stiofan O’Connor
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