SSL insecure content errors

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  cyril lansade 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    cyril lansade
    Expired Member
    Post count: 150


    I’ve secured my site with SSL but I’m getting ‘mixed content’ messages that are being served as http.

    An example is the main logo on this page:

    I’ve changed the .htaccess file to force https so i’m not sure what else I can do.

    However, I did find a possible explanation from this formum post:

    “You may need to remove the http from absolute paths in php theme files, i.e. change ‘’ to ‘//’; that will allow your resources to default to https.”

    Could you let me know if that might be the reason?

    Many thanks



    Post count: 29970

    Did you do a search and replace of all your links with in your database with a plugin like ?


    cyril lansade
    Expired Member
    Post count: 150


    No I’ve not. Would that only change the url of existing things like images or would it do something at a more fundamental level? I’ve never messed with the database before.

    In the case of the logo, it is being added via the theme in Customiser. I’ve changed it to be another images but it still outputs http not https. Would that still suggest a database issue or something else? I can’t keep changing the database everytime I add a new image!


    Post count: 29970

    It changes all old http URLs to new https URLs.
    All images, including your logo, are referenced in the database with http if you added them before changing to https.
    You need to change them with a plugin like

    Every time you add a post or listing or category, you “mess” with the database.
    It is no different.

    Just back up the database first in case you are worried.


    cyril lansade
    Expired Member
    Post count: 150


    OK, so I went directly into the database as the tool was bringing back too many results (e.g. email addresses of places that I didn’t want changing). Somehow after changing things and then restoring the database (reason to come) it all seems secure now!

    But the customiser for the site no longer works and is blank. I get the following js error – not sure if I’ve done something? Or this is separate?

    Uncaught ReferenceError: geodir_location_all_js_msg is not defined
    at location-front.min.js?ver=4.7.1:1


    cyril lansade
    Expired Member
    Post count: 150
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    An email address should never contain “” so I do not understand why email addresses would want to be changed by the plugin.

    Try uploading a clean version of the Location Manager with FTP.
    If you cannot solve it, I’ll get one of the developers to have a look.


    cyril lansade
    Expired Member
    Post count: 150

    Sorry, it was late. I meant the places all have web addresses, for example.

    I deactivated the location plugin and sure enough the customiser started working again. I’ll try ftping a clean copy.

    Thank you!

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