Location Manager

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  msgliniewicz 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #34752

    Post count: 164


    Today I took a trip to a town close to my default city.. I changed locations to this city and did a search for local services. I made my search very wide just to make sure services in my default city should have been found.

    When I did the search though, nothing came up?

    I made the search wider and repeated, nothing came up? Of course, if I changed back to my default city, everything works fine..

    What is going on?



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I changed locations to this city

    That’s it.

    Only if you where on the location/me location with a radius big enough to include your default city listings they would have been returned in results.

    But if you are set in another city, it will show only listings assigned to that city.



    Post count: 164


    I increased the range to 100 miles, the town is only 10 miles away from my default city and yet, it returned no results.. That was the frustrating part. I even tried a number of searches different services and events, no results were returned?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    Only if you where on the location/me location with a radius big enough to include your default city listings they would have been returned its results.

    If you switch location to city X, listings from city Y will not appear even if it is 10km from it and you put 80.000km as radius.

    Only if you are in the “me” location it will show also listings from close locations.

    I hope it’s now clear?



    Post count: 164

    Somewhat yes…

    What do you mean by “me” location? Are you saying if the computer ask to use my location, then the listings will so up? But, if I select a city manually, then those nearby listings will not show up?

    Am I following you correctly?

    If so, how can I force the users to use “the my location settings” by default?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Yes that is correct.

    There is no way to force users to be geolocated, it goes against Google Maps API TOS.

    You can ask them to be geolocated only.



    Post count: 164

    Got it, thank you.. So, I guess the part I was missing, I never received the option to try and geolocate my position. Maybe a setting in my browser? Just trying to understand the issues my users will run into.

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