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    Expired Member
    Post count: 101


    I am creating more detailed

    How can I do the following using your theme:

    1. Create Post Type + City SEO pages (having page title, meta, on page heading etc)
    e.g. Street Food in Delhi or Restaurants in Delhi

    2. Create seo specific pages with Categories/ Sub Categories + City (e.g. In post type Restaurant)
    e.g. Drink & Nightlife in Delhi

    3. Creating seo specific pages with all options in custom field + city, like I have a field dinning style and it has options like restaurants with music, garden restaurant etc
    e.g. Garden Restaurant in Delhi

    4. Create seo specific pages with tags + city
    e.g. Pizza in Delhi

    Rajat Sabharwal


    Post count: 29970

    1. Just add meta and description to SEO tab of location manager.

    2. Create a category called drink and nightlife and add listings in Delhi.

    3. Not sure if I understand correctly, but that would be a search result page.

    4. Like this:
    all hotels in berlin with the tag berlin


    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    Thanks for your reply.

    But I am still bit confused, let me give you the links as well with what I said:

    1. Create Post Type + City SEO pages

    It is showing only Attraction, this should show Attractions in Alwar

    2. Create seo specific pages with Categories/ Sub Categories + City

    It is again showing only Attraction, it should show History & Culture Attraction in Alwar

    3. Creating seo specific pages with all options in custom field + city

    Like i have created a filed at the backend which has options like Popular, Good to Visit, Best place etc. Now I want if I want these pages to be created, it should create automatically:

    Popular Attractions in Alwar

    4. Creating Tag + city page automatically like I am creating tags like

    Hoho bus attractions in Alwar

    where hoho bus is a tag

    Let me know if I am clear enough.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    Any update on this? I am not clear or what



    Post count: 29970

    1. Change location to Alwar using the switcher in your menu, then click on “View all” for each CPT listed.

    2. I added the “popular category” widget to your GD home and GD listing top sections, so now you have direct links to all categories and subcategories, for example

    3. If you add custom fields and you want to let people search them, you have to add the custom field to the advanced search. Like you have done with “Days fro travel”

    4. Just add tags to your listings, and then you can click on the tag link from the listing detail page.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    Please find my comments below after —–

    1. Change location to Alwar using the switcher in your menu, then click on “View all” for each CPT listed.



    Thanks, this is working now

    2. I added the “popular category” widget to your GD home and GD listing top sections, so now you have direct links to all categories and subcategories, for example


    By this I mean url for categories is

    but meta title is still, attractions in Alwar. on selecting category it should become history & culture in Alwar

    Then by doing this automatically seo friendly pages will be created

    3. If you add custom fields and you want to let people search them, you have to add the custom field to the advanced search. Like you have done with “Days fro travel”


    I want people to search custom field with city, like popular in alwar, best in alwar etc, popular and best are custom fields only

    4. Just add tags to your listings, and then you can click on the tag link from the listing detail page.


    Thanks, I need to create tag name like this


    Post count: 29970

    2. The meta title does refer to the CPT instead of the category. I know that is also how it works in the demo at
    You can change that by using

    3. Custom fields can only be used with listings, not locations.
    Your visitors can navigate to a location first, and then use the custom search to narrow it down to the listings using the custom fields of the CPTs.

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