No sorting for search results?

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    chris west
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    Hi there,

    I am beta testing my page right now. testgroup were 10 “digital natives” and 10 people around 35yo.

    first question was:

    why are there no sorting option in search results? neither with geolocation , nor only searchword?
    I haven`t noticed that, is that a bug??

    just as info, because it really seems to disturbs people.
    why are there 3 city names if I put in a “city name”, the “city (city)” and the “city (region)”. The results are not consistent.




    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Chris,

    When you search it orders results in order of the search queries, if it ordered them in any other way it would not give proper search results. Please check Yelp, TripAdvisor etc, you can’t sort by other options when u perform a search.

    I don’t really understand the second part of your question, can you provide an example or explain what you mean more?




    chris west
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    Hi stiofan,

    maybe we misunderstood each other,
    I meant, if somebody clicks direct on categories on supreme theme, on listview the results are sortable. If people are putting for example “restaurant” into the searchbar, with nothing, geolocation or city in the location bar and click search, I won`t get any sorting options (reviews, new, whatever) like, if I directly click on categories.

    People are iritaded with e.g. three searchable “berlins” – see picture.

    thank you



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Chris,

    We are talking about the same thing,
    Do a search for “potatoes” on tripadvisor and you get no sort options:

    The results are already sorted by your exact search phrase, it gives a weight to certain things like x10 if in title, x5 if in category or tag x3 if in description, results would not make sense if you sorted by anything other than the search, thats why tripadvisor does not have it either. It has been discussed many times here.

    For Near search, if you type in “Berlin” and dont click the suggestions and search then it will get the center of Berlin by GPS and then order all results by distance to that center.

    If you click on of the suggestion it will set the location as that an it will limit all results to that location but order by the Search term, also this will then limit the entire site to that location only.
    The region berlin i am not sure is correct, what is the correct region for berlin?



    chris west
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    Hi stiofan,

    ok, it s the search function itself. thank you. I just beta-tested with 20 people (as I said 10 “digital natives”, 10 people around 35) and they are confused by the search function. they would expect the possibility to filter the search results by reviews, new or something else. and some other things confused them, too. to get their results. It s just pure user experience.

    I guess, geodirectory seems not to be the right solution for my project. but kudos, a lot of great features and options, only UI/UX is a bit suffering.

    thank you



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Chris,

    Let me explain why almost no one does what you want in search:

    If you search for say “Mexican Food” you would get results for “mexican food”, “mexican” and “food” the search will sort these by relevance as i explained above. if you then sorted by “highest rated” then you might get a result that did not match “mexican” but ONLY matched “food” and it might be a French “food” place that has nothing to do with mexican food and thus would be almost pointless. I hope that explains the problem, if you have a solution i am happy to listen as am an sure TripAdvisor are too 🙂



    chris west
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Free User
    Post count: 24

    I was trying to figure out how to sort search results and came across this thread. I hope it’s okay that I add a reply.

    My understanding is that it is your position that sorting on search results could result in unwanted results to sort to the top of a list. I’d like to argue against this way of thinking about sort.

    The ability to sort search results can be VERY beneficial, even if the sort includes some irrelevant results moving to the top. It’s much more of a benefit to at least have the option to sort than to have not option. And with an option to sort, the initial sort order can still be based on Relevance. Furthermore, if an end user doesn’t like the results of changing to another type of sort (for example Price or Rating) they can always switch back to the Relevance sort. Having the option to sort search results does not mean that everyone needs to use that option.

    With that said, even TripAdvisor allows sorting. Not for the example you gave, potatoes, but certainly they allow it for Hotels, Restaurants….. If I search for Hotels in Chicago I get this:

    So…. while I can’t sort a result for potatoes, I can sort a result for Hotels.

    Please consider allowing for sort of search results. Almost all directories allow for search sort.

    NEXT…… I believe that the way search was described above in this thread is incorrect. It was stated:

    If you search for say “Mexican Food” you would get results for “mexican food”, “mexican” and “food” the search will sort these by relevance as i explained above.

    To put it in search terms, it sounds like GeoDirectory uses an OR search…. Except it doesn’t.

    I gave this a try and created three listings. The listings had different keywords that I would search:

    Listing 1 – Authentic stuff at it’s best
    Listing 2 – Authentic Mexican at it’s best
    Listing 3 – Authentic Mexican stuff at it’s best

    Each of these listings had the tag “food”, so I started by searching on food near Denver to pull up a listing of all three to take a screen grab:

    I then searched for the words Mexican stuff. If it’s an OR search (Mexican OR stuff) I should still see all three search results. Here’s what I got:

    That’s not right – it’s the result of either an AND search or an EXACT MATCH search.

    So is GeoDirectory doing AND searches or EXACT MATCH searches? Searching for stuff Mexican should answer this question.

    If it’s an OR search (stuff OR Mexican) it should give 3 results (we already know it won’t).
    If it’s an AND search (stuff AND Mexican) it should give 1 result.
    If it’s an EXACT MATCH (stuff Mexican) it should give NO results.

    Here’s what I get:

    No results means Geodirectory is using an EXACT MATCH search.

    I reviewed the documentation on the search feature ( an there is no mention on how to set a search type (OR, AND, EXACT MATCH). Perhaps this is something that can be addressed? It would be great it power users could search any of those (using AND, OR, and quotes for EXACT MATCH) or if there were radio buttons or something. It could be a perfect addition to the Advanced Search plugin!

    FINALLY….. Looping back to the issue of being able to sort search results. As indicated, even TripAdvisor allows sorting of results (within specific types – Hotels, Restaurants….) It would be very valuable to have sort options in GeoDirectory, especially for sites that are listing things like hotels and restaurants. The ability to a search of Hotels in a specific area by rating is invaluable. While there are other ways for users to get to a sortable list without using search, people are trained on using search (and then sorting the results).

    Having the option to sort results does not mean that the user needs to use that option, or if they do use it, that they can’t re-sort back to relevance, or that a particular site developer needs to enable the sort option. But it would make GeoDirectory that much more powerful.

    Please let me know if I missed something on the type of search that GeoDirectory is doing. Sounds like it should be doing OR searches, but it is clearly doing EXACT MATCH searches. BTW, I tested this on your demo and it too seems to be EXACT MATCH:

    Several listings in Philadelphia had either Asian or Food in them. In fact, some non-restaurant listings had the word food in it and when I did a search for “food” the 4th result was for the Sadsbury Woods Preserve, not the most relevant result. And while sorting probably wouldn’t make it any more relevant (unless you could sort on a specific type, like restaurants) it does show that non-sortable search results doesn’t necessarily mean more relevant results.

    Anyway, apologies for the length of my post. I’m loving GeoDirectory and hope this is of some help! And if there is some way for me to easily switch to an OR based search I’d like to know.



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    For tripadvisor you are not searching a work it is just showing you a category page which can have sort as expected.

    For your examples, we are talking about titles and descriptions not categories and tags
    for example this is part of the SQL query:

    ( wp_posts.post_title LIKE "mexican food" 
    OR ( wp_posts.post_title LIKE "mexican"
    OR wp_posts.post_title LIKE "mexican%"
    OR wp_posts.post_title LIKE "% mexican%" )
    OR ( wp_posts.post_title LIKE "food"
    OR wp_posts.post_title LIKE "food%"
    OR wp_posts.post_title LIKE "% food%" )) 
    OR (wp_posts.post_content LIKE "mexican food"
    OR wp_posts.post_content LIKE "mexican food%"
    OR wp_posts.post_content LIKE "% mexican food%"
    OR wp_posts.post_content LIKE "%>mexican food%"
    OR wp_posts.post_content LIKE "% mexican food%") 

    You have two types of search, exact and non exact, only exact ones can really be sorted but then you are extreamly limiting your results this is why almost no one does it, i would be happy to implement it if you found a solution as i am sure lots of others would too.




    chris west
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    well, I guess, for more or better search functionality and sorting of results it would be better to use something like elastic-search. but it s not as simple as usual sql queries in a wordpresss setup I think. but you would need a dedicated server to do the search function, which would be around 50,- euros and up a month for rent here in EU.
    I m working on something right now, straight intuitive UI/UX, but I think it won t work until summer. until then I will use geodirectory. Which is far better than nearly all other WP plugins around. I like it, but some functions are combined a bit too complicated (from a UI standpoint, not developer standpoint), than it could be work in 2017. it sometimes too complicated. People don t like to get forced to figure out how some things work today.




    Free User
    Post count: 24


    Thanks for the response. Okay, I see what you mean about TripAdvisor, although after they change the search to a display of a particular category, results are still limited to area defined in the original search and the results are sortable. It would be great if GeoDirectory could do this! GeoDirectory can either limit to an area without sort (by searching on the category name) or allow sort but without limiting to an area (by clicking on the category). It can’t seem to do both.

    If I search for “Restaurants” (which does not appear in any of my listings) near “Denver” all three listings categorized as restaurants are returned, but there is no sorting (even though this search is an exact match search).

    It really would be very useful to:

    Search for Category RESTAURANTS near DENVER, then SORT results BY RATING/PRICE/…..

    Regarding the the example SQL string you wrote…. While it’s clear that the example would return non-exact results, that doesn’t seem to be how GeoDirectory works! Even your demo site shows that it’s doing an Exact Match search on multiple words.

    In my examples, the same thing happens. To refresh, here are my 3 listings again:

    Listing 1 – Authentic stuff at it’s best
    Listing 2 – Authentic Mexican at it’s best
    Listing 3 – Authentic Mexican stuff at it’s best

    Searching for Mexican stuff returns only one result. Isn’t that the result of an Exact Match? And searching for “stuff Mexican” (no quotes) results in 0 records. If GeoDirectory is doing a non-exact search, shouldn’t both of these searches result in 3 records being returned?

    You have two types of search, exact and non exact, only exact ones can really be sorted but then you are extreamly limiting your results this is why almost no one does it

    I do see that many travel websites don’t allow for sorting on non-exact search results. Non-travel sites (like Amazon) usually offer non-exact sorting. And lots of sites (travel, non-travel) also have filtering, which could be a way to help limit results. (Possible future enhancement?) By the way, AND searches could also be very useful. If I want a restaurant that serves pizza AND alcohol, that’s the search type I’d want to use! Of course, I’d like those results to be sortable too!. 😉

    It seems to me that if it’s possible to make search results sortable, then it should probably be an option for site owners to enable/disable. And if enabled, whether or not to sort by a particular criteria is best left up to the end user. At the very least, having a sortable single category list (e.g. Restaurants) that is restricted by an area (e.g. Denver) would be incredibly useful.

    Anyway, thanks again for the reply and discussion. I hope you can confirm if the behavior I’m seeing with GeoDirectory search (that it’s doing exact searches, not non-exact searches) is just a bug. From what you’ve written it sounds like it’s supposed to be doing non-exact.



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    @chris If you want to help with GD UI/UX improvements we will be all ears, we encourage and listen to our customers, if you have some nice examples we can talk it over on skype if you would like?

    @key i think what would solve your problems is if we had a autocomplete in the search filed that included categories, so instead of going to the search page it would take you to the category page where results could then be sorted?



    Free User
    Post count: 24

    Yeah, that could help, although it seems to do something like that already… I think. For example, if I start to search for Hotels, after I type a few letters I get a list of hotels with “Hotels” sort of hiding in plain sight in the middle of the list:

    (“hotel” also makes an appearance on the list at the end, but I think that’s because I’ve searched that word before.)

    What if “Hotels could be highlighted at the top of the list in some way? Maybe like this?

    Or even more useful could be something like this, where all the various categories are listed and selectable as soon as you click in the search box.

    Of course, it could get messy pretty quick if there are lots of different categories. Perhaps a limit to displaying only the most common categories? Or have an option the admin can tick for each category as to whether or not it is included in the suggestion list?


    Free User
    Post count: 24

    Ha! I just took a look at tripadvisor and I love the way they do it! The icons really make it clear that they are selectable! I’d say that’s the way to go!


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    I like the idea, we just have to find the perfect UX.
    I have opened a task for myself to look at this.



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