Listings not showing

This topic contains 14 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  corymf 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 172


    I have 2 problems.

    1. In my menu “Nations/Reservations”, only 10 listings are displaying
    on the map; there should be over a 100.

    2. In my menu “Places & Activities” , when I click on “Place & Activity”
    the “places to stay” appear on the map, instead of all “places & activities”




    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    1) I see 181, make sure you are browsing the “Everywhere” location and you don’t have any location set (with 10 Nations/Reservations only).

    2) I see all categories, but you are sorting by latest and the latest are all Places to stay, if you go to page 3 you will find Golf listings:



    Expired Member
    Post count: 172


    1.) All 181 are there, but only 10 appear on the map. I browsed with “Everywhere”, and still not working properly.

    2.) I changed the sorting to random, and when i click on “Places/Activities” it should display all, but still only displyas Places to stay.




    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    1) the listing map will show what the list below is showing. If you set pagination at 10 per page, the map will show 10 too. Change map to the home page map in listings page too, if you want to show everything… However it is not design to work that way.

    2.) I changed the sorting to random. WHere did you change it? Please provide wp admin credentials and I will fix that for you.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 172
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 172

    Hi: I’m still confused. All the listings show when I click on the menu below the map, but all the listings don’t show when I click on the menu on top of the map.

    The attachment illustrates; only 10 listings are showing for
    Nations/Reservations. There are 181.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Cory,

    they are paginate. 10 per page and you have 19 pages for a total of 181.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 172

    hmm. so, there is now way all the listings can show on
    the map, when someone clicks on the menu?

    why do all the listings show when I click on the
    bottom of the map menu?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    They are 2 different maps.

    GD > Gmap Home page (shows all listings)
    GD > Gmap Listings page (shows the same number of listings of the list below)



    Expired Member
    Post count: 172

    Hi Paolo:

    When someone clicks on my main menu “on top of the map”, how can I
    show all my listings, and not only 10. Is that possible?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    it is not possible without a customization of the listings page map widget.

    The map is designed to show the listings that are visible in the list below.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 172

    Hi Paolo:

    So, the dropdown menu does not necessarily work
    with this plugin if you have more than 10 listings,
    as only 10 listings show when someone clicks on
    a category.

    Should I not use a dropdown menu?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Cory,

    I think you are a bit confused.

    Dropdown menu link or whatever category link will take you to a category page, where there is a list.

    The number of post shown in that list is controlled by wp Settings >> Reading.

    The map, that can be placed on top of the list or in any sidebar, show the same number of listings as the list.

    Using or not using a dropdown to access this page won’t change anything…

    Thank you


    Expired Member
    Post count: 172

    Hi Paolo:

    OMG. It’s fixed; thankyou 100%.

    It was through the WP Settings-Reading you recommended.

    Have a good day sir,


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