Paid plan downgrade/expiry to free – not losing data

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  cyril lansade 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    cyril lansade
    Expired Member
    Post count: 150


    When a paid plan either expires or is downgraded to a free plan all of the data from the free plan is deleted. All except what is put in the WordPress standard box that goes into the profile tab. But it is a real shame to lose that valuable data.

    Is there any way to prevent the data being lost? So for example, in the Admin site all of the fields remain regardless of the plan and only in the frontend user UI do the fields disappear?

    I’m sure this is way out of scope of your support but wondered how easy / difficult this would be to do?

    Many thanks


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Cyril,

    I’m not really sure if I’m getting this. Could you tell us a little bit more about it? Perhaps some screenshots? Also, what kind of data is deleted? Please share some examples and we’ll check on it.



    cyril lansade
    Expired Member
    Post count: 150


    Ah a mistake in my first sentence!

    “When a paid plan either expires or is downgraded to a free plan all of the data from the PAID plan is deleted”

    OK so in the free plan there are only basic fields like address or telephone number. In the paid plans there are more extensive fields such as ‘Services’, ‘Languages spoken’ etc.

    A user that has a paid subscription can enter details into all of the fields available. If that paid listing subsequently expires it defaults to the free listing.

    My problem is that on becoming a free listing the extra info from the paid listing is lost and removed from the database. So if the user wanted to start paying again for the more extensive listing they would have to enter all of that info again.

    Make any more sense?!


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    The only info that should be actually removed is if there is a category or a image limit, all the other info should remain and if it’s then upgraded again it should show again.



    cyril lansade
    Expired Member
    Post count: 150


    OK that is what I hoped would happen but that is not what appears to be happening.

    To replicate:
    – Create a paid listing in admin filling out all details e.g. Clinic monthly
    – Make sure that it all works etc
    – Go back into admin and change the listing to free. Check it all works etc
    – Go back to admin and change it back to a paid listing
    – Paid content is no longer in the admin form

    If I export the listings, the paid listing fields are empty.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956


    The only way that would happen is if the listing was updated (saved) before being upgraded again, the process of downgrading does not remove the info, and if u immediately upgrade again then the info will be there, you can test this not by changing the package and saving but by running the GD>GD Tools>run expire check, if a listing is downgraded and then you go into it and set it to the higher price package again the info will be there.



    cyril lansade
    Expired Member
    Post count: 150


    OK cool so providing the listing EXPIRES the data will be always be there. If admin changes the package and SAVES it will be lost.

    Good to know. I’ll do some tests and let you know if anything is out of place.

    Thanks for clarifying Stiofan 🙂

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