I have installed the plugin, I exported the data once again, inspected it in OpenOffice and I am perplexed by what I see. There are 1900 places in the data that I exported while when I look in Places there are ~2150 places and when I go directly into ….geodir_gd_place_detail table I have ~2200 places.
Also, almost all places appear to have images on the website, however less than 500 do in the exported data and the ….geodir_gd_place_detail table has images in featured_image in most all places.
Also, when I do a search for Lease Purchase category on the site, I get 17 listings, Popular Categories show 17 however the exported data only show 2.
Even when I have the website open, there are approximately 2150 places listed rather than the 1900 in the export data.
It still appears the data is not exporting correctly so if I correct the post_city and post_region in the exported data, it appears it does not correct all of it.
What am I missing, I do not understand.