Importing files

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 23

    I have exported listings from the GeoDirectory Import & Export tab and when I try to import a csv file, I navigate to the file and click on it to select it, nothing happens. Should I not be getting some message like “Uploaded”, “Completed” ?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 23

    Ok, there is a big problem, almost all my listings in Places show the Location (ID) as United States-Indiana-Indianapolis, however the location pins are spread throughout the US like they should be according to the address. This does not make sense.


    Post count: 29970

    This is an upload bug in WordPress version 4.7.2. Please install this plugin as a temporary fix. More info here:

    The reason all your listings are in Indianapolis is because those listings did not have an proper address but only coordinates, and they have been given the default location details.

    You need to export them, and correct the addresses, and re-import.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 23

    I have installed the plugin, I exported the data once again, inspected it in OpenOffice and I am perplexed by what I see. There are 1900 places in the data that I exported while when I look in Places there are ~2150 places and when I go directly into ….geodir_gd_place_detail table I have ~2200 places.

    Also, almost all places appear to have images on the website, however less than 500 do in the exported data and the ….geodir_gd_place_detail table has images in featured_image in most all places.

    Also, when I do a search for Lease Purchase category on the site, I get 17 listings, Popular Categories show 17 however the exported data only show 2.

    Even when I have the website open, there are approximately 2150 places listed rather than the 1900 in the export data.

    It still appears the data is not exporting correctly so if I correct the post_city and post_region in the exported data, it appears it does not correct all of it.

    What am I missing, I do not understand.


    Post count: 29970

    I had a test myself

    1. Number of listings matches in CSV and site: 2162

    2. The images are broken because they are not referenced or uploaded to the correct folder as explained in
    They are referenced to /wp-content/uploads/ instead of /wp-content/uploads/year/month

    3. I picked one listing and updated city and region, all worked as expected.


    Post count: 29970
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 23

    I have fixed the address of the listings that should have removed the Indianapolis Indiana address but is uploading appears not to work. Every time I have tried since installing GD, when I click on the file to select it gives no message, no alert, no confirmation. I made no other revisions other than correcting the region and city.

    Any ideas?


    Post count: 29970

    Must be some computer issue, I have no problem uploading the CSV file, that is how I updated that test listing.
    I suggest you ZIP the file and attach it here, then I can have a go for you.

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