Add listing confirmation translation

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jorge Dändliker 8 years ago.

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    Jorge Dändliker
    Post count: 150

    Hi there
    I have some troubles to find the right file to translate the confirmation after updating a listing (see attachment). I use the payment add on and tried to translate the text there but without success.
    I found the text on following po files:
    geodirectory-de_DE.po and geodir_payments-de_DE.po
    On both files the text is translated.
    Do I have to search on a different place?
    Thank you for your support!


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Jorge,

    Could you please provide WP temp admin access and FTP access to your server so that we could check on the files?



    Jorge Dändliker
    Post count: 150

    Hi Kor
    Thanks for your feedback. I have found the place to translate: geodirectory > notification settings.
    Sorry for bothering you!

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