
This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #37712

    Post count: 86

    Hola, todo iba bien hasta que de repente la portada se ha quedado en blanco.
    la cuestion es que si voy a widget y quito el widged GD > GMap – Home Page la portada funciona pero si lo activo se queda en blanco ¿porque? (antes la tenia activada e iba bien)

    Hello, everything was fine until suddenly the cover is left blank.
    the question is that if I’m going to take my widged widget and GD> GMap – Home Page Cover works but if asset is blank why? (earlier had turned and was good)


    Free User
    Post count: 109

    Hola buanos dias. En mi opinion GD no esta configurado como tu página de inicio en el tablero de instrumentos.
    Cordial saludo.


    Post count: 86

    Te refieres a gd > Diseño ? ahi si que esta marcada la opcion.


    Post count: 86

    Ese problema en concreto lo solucione, pero ahora hay otro, tengo 2 widgets gd > Busqueda intalados correctamente 1 en la portada y otro en la lista de anuncios, cuando intento instalar otros gd > busqueda (lo quiero activar en la pagina de resultados de busqueda, se queda ahi como guardando pero no llega a guardarse, eso pasa con cualquier widget gd > busqueda que intente crear sea donde sea, solo me guarda los 2 primeros)

    That particular problem solve it, but now there is another, I have two widgets gd> Search azap installed correctly 1 in the front and one on the list when I try to install other gd> search (I want it enabled in the page of search results , stays there as keeping but fails to be saved, that happens with any widget gd> search that attempts to create it anywhere, just saved me the first 2)


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello, are you trying to insert two instances of the search widget?
    Could you please post your url and login details in a private reply?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    that is a problem with your HOST:

    You couldn’t save new pages, new categories on any post and now you can’t save widgets.

    Please change server if you want to have a working website, that one is not working.



    Post count: 86

    The problems you mention longer exist, since it was re-installed the entire server. Currently everything is fine, except that detail. From threw go well all widgets and even gd gdf but that no. I will provide the keys the later since I’m at work and now I have access to that data.


    Post count: 86
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    No it is not fixed, see image attached.

    I insist with my suggestion to get a better server.

    It takes me up to 1 minute to open each page. (assisting you becomes very hard)



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    hi Ukume,

    are you by any chance using CloudFlare? If yes we could have found the problem.

    Could you provide FTP credentials for us to verify?

    Let us know,


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