I have added some code that formats the address under the listing title (on the detail listing page) in 2 lines like this…
city, state, zip
This is the code I am using…
/*show street address under listing title on listing detail page*/
add_filter(‘sd_details_output_address’, ‘modify_sd_details_output_address’);
function modify_sd_details_output_address() {
global $post;
$sd_address = ‘<div class=”sd-address”>’;
if (isset($post->post_address) && $post->post_address) {
$sd_address .= apply_filters(‘sd_detail_address’, $post->post_address, $post);
if (isset($post->post_city) && $post->post_city) {
$sd_address .= ‘<br/>’ . apply_filters(‘sd_detail_city_name’, $post->post_city, $post);
if (isset($post->post_region) && $post->post_region) {
$sd_address .= ‘, ‘ . apply_filters(‘sd_detail_region_name’, $post->post_region, $post);
if (isset($post->post_zip) && $post->post_zip) {
$sd_address .= ‘, ‘ . apply_filters(‘sd_detail_zip’, $post->post_zip, $post);
$sd_address .= ‘</div>’;
return $sd_address;
However, it only works in that one section. Would like to see all the addresses throughout the Supreme theme in this 2 line format. Is this something you can help me with?