login issue Buddypress combination

This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Simone 9 years, 10 months ago.

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    Post count: 273

    Hi Guys,

    let me first congratulate you with your first official anniversary! Unbelievable what you’ve achieved!

    We experience difficulties with new users that try to login, after we’ve combined wpgeo with buddypress. We’ve tested it last week on our staging, and then it worked well. I’ll send login-details separately.

    The problem exists twice:
    1: After a new registrant enters his details he gets an activation-link, and after the confirmation he can login again. That’s not possible. It leads to a never ending loop, and the url looks quite odd: https://iamyogi.com/?geodir_signup=true&logemsg=1&redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fiamyogi.com%2F%3Fgeodir_signup%3Dtrue.

    If an existing user enters his details, he’s just nicely welcomed, to say it like that.

    Buddypress also offers a smart menu-option named LOGIN. It’s only visible if a user is NOT logged in. That’s very friendly. But: If someone clicks on that option he/she is also directed to a strange URL, that ultimately leads to an ugly wordpress-login-page…: https://iamyogi.com/wpvoordeur?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fiamyogi.com%2F%3Fgeodir_signup%3Dtrue

    If a user clicks on the LOGIn-option in our (purple) admin-bar (right side on top)(installed via the GD-login widget) then everything goes well: he’s being directed to: https://iamyogi.com/?geodir_signup=true.
    I like to emphasize that we have not tested this on staging, so I’m not sure if this is happening quite some time.

    Issue 2 is not a showstopper, although it would be very user-friendly if we could have this, but as you understand: Issue 1 is quite heavy-shit, and it forces us to think about migrating back on a very short term…;-(


    Post count: 273
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    Post count: 273
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello, have you added some functions in the functions.php (absent in the staging-website)?


    Post count: 273

    Hi Simone,

    as far as I know we didn’t. i just checked the functions in the wpincludes folder, as well as the functions in the wpgeothemeframework and they are identical both on staging as live…


    Post count: 273


    some additional insights:
    With buddypress a user logs in with his EMAIL and password.

    We’ve discovered that the flow works if the new user logins in THE FIRST TIME with his username, everything goes well. The second and further logins he can just enter his email. Just the first time it appears to be needed to enter a username.

    This is really strange, don’t you agree?
    I hope you have more deeper thoughts about an explanation.

    Thanks again!


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello, ok we found the culprit, wordpress does not allow to login using email (the login box it’s the wordpress one).
    you can use this plugin, it will allows you to choose to login with both email or username


    Post count: 273

    Hooray! Thanks a lot. My Partner was about to tear the hair out of his head…;-)

    Any idea on the second issue as well? That’s both on staging acting strange.

    Thanks in advance!


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515


    for your second issue, I think something weird is happening with buddy press and the login-url system.
    A quick workaround is to add a custom link pointing to /?geodir_signup=true and with the help of this plugin
    you can hide it to logged in users with this condition

    ! is_user_logged_in()

    Let us know how it goes


    Post count: 273

    Perfect, works great! Thanks!


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Nice, you’re welcome

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