GeoDirectory Login Page

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 10 years, 7 months ago.

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    Lindsay Michael
    Free User
    Post count: 5

    I would like to use the themed wordpress login page that comes with my theme. If a user clicks on the “Add Listing” link and they aren’t logged in, it’s redirecting them to the GD login page. I need to redirect them to the WP login page. Can you assist?

    Thank you!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    @stiofan can we provide a function to override the default GD signin page?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 86

    Would it be easier to have a Short code, and have the plugin ask us which pages are for sign up or sign in etc…?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    +1 I don’t want the GD login pages, there are plenty of alternatives.


    Full Member
    Post count: 1128


    There is no easy way(backend setting) to do it right now. If u have wordpress hook and action knowledge then it can be done using this.
    U can implement a fuction on wpdpress init action and check if there is a $_REQUEST[‘geodir_signup’] variable exists then redirect it to your desired location.


    Lindsay Michael
    Free User
    Post count: 5

    Woo hoo! I almost gave up trying to figure this out, but I got it. I was able to affect the change via this file: geodirectory/geodirectory-functions/signup_function.php, line 9.

    Thank you very much for getting back to me. 🙂



    Full Member
    Post count: 1128

    This is a better solution,
    Plz put this snippet in your theme’s functions.php files.

    add_action('init' , 'geodir_redirect_to_default_login') ;
    function geodir_redirect_to_default_login()
    	if(isset( $_REQUEST['geodir_signup']))

    Post count: 29970

    Hi Vikas, that works fine in my tests.

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