contacts management

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  patripat 7 years, 8 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi guys,

    now comes the time to monetizing and in that matter i need to manage “places” as in a CRM…

    Would you have any idea about how to integrate places names as prospects or something in a wodpress plugin and be able to take notes on actions taken and so on?

    Does any of you already have an experience with that integrated to wordpress? (not really willing to split with a cloud crm)

    If not, how do you manage that?

    Thanks in advance,


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Pat,

    there are several CRM for WordPress, but none of them built a GD integration yet. The one that sounds more interesting to me is this one.

    Maybe you can push them to build an extension for GD…

    Let us know how it goes,



    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Paolo,

    well i went for a cloud based one, exported places and cleaned the columns and imported them into it.

    The reason of my choice is because of loading time which is still 13-19 seconds and i’ve been afraid to charge wordpress a lot more with a CRM (i used wpmu dev to minimize everything and also cloudflare)

    I’ll have a look into zero-bs and will probably try to contact them

    Thanks for your answer and have a nice day,


    Full Member
    Post count: 375

    Good timing. I am in the process of testing out Agile CRM and I will have a look at this as well.

    I too am concerned with loading time.

    Patripat, let me know how your testing went!


    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Mark,

    i wouldn’t go for Agile as it becomes paid for when you grow.

    My actual solution is to use Zoho CRM and hopefully wait for the Geodirectory team to come up with something or obtain from a CRM provider to make it compatible and integrated (light weight)

    About loading times, i used WPMU DEV which crashed the whole server with their crawler and half of the plugins are not displaying correctly…

    So now i’m using CloudFlare for the images but i still have a bad loading time due to the google map taking ages to load (and i suspect some day i’ll have to swap it for openstreet (the other one) since i’ll reach the limit of Google Api (i think it allows a certain number of requests per day and my traffic is rapidly growing)…

    I’m also in a big mess with SEO, Yoast was slowing the site down too so i removed it and used the meta titles integrated in Geodirectory, after all they do them job best.

    For the rest, if you like to chat about it you’re welcome, i can be found on Facebook under “Patrick ToutWaterloo”

    To the team, sorry for the off topic 🙂
    Best regards,


    Full Member
    Post count: 375

    What are you hosting on?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    It’s on a 6 cores / 10Gb RAM / 100Gb SSD VPS and i just achieved 2.3 sec loading time by following the advices I could find here in the forum, it was a bit risky but it worked.

    Not with gtmetrics but with which is fair enough I believe

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