Possible to have image attachments pull from wp media files?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 6 years, 10 months ago.

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    Andrew T
    Expired Member
    Post count: 22

    Hello again 🙂

    As I am adding places (activities in my instance) and setting the featured image for them it seems odd that the image attachments doesn’t have an option to pull from the wp media files. I am initially using the same image in multiple listing so it would be beneficial to use the same file instead of uploading the exact same image numerous times. Is there a way to accomplish this?



    Post count: 16516

    Hi Andrew,

    I’d like you to refer to this post as it explains why we are not allowing WP media files on the backend https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/media-handling/#post-239373 . As for frontend, the “Add Media” gives your users access to all your media files, which is probably not a good idea. That is why that button is removed by default.



    Andrew T
    Expired Member
    Post count: 22

    Hi Kor,

    I am referring to the backend area, not concerned with frontend or users at this stage. I’m not sure that thread really answered that original poster’s concerns or addressed mine.

    If I did understand one portion of the other thread correctly though, the response seemed to indicate that the media files uploaded on the backend via the ‘image attachments’ on a particular listing do NOT impact the database load or weigh down the site?

    If that is indeed the case, then I guess it’s no big deal. I know you can set a default image per category but that doesn’t help me for what I’m currently doing. I appreciate any more insight.


    P.S. I’m not a tech person. Just a self-taught WordPressor that likes to keep things as simple as possible. 🙂


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi Andrew,

    that’s correct, images added via media library create 1 post per image per size in the wp_post database table. It adds data in the wp_postmeta table too.

    Images uploaded via GeoDirectory uploader wont add anything in the database.



    Andrew T
    Expired Member
    Post count: 22

    Thanks for clarifying that Paolo. Does that mean images added via url (even if it’s our wp content url) from a csv import act the same as if we use the GD uploader on the listing in the backend?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    adding a URL will not work. You must add the image file name only, the system will tell you where to upload the file after the import.

    Please see: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/core-export/#images



    Andrew T
    Expired Member
    Post count: 22

    Thanks for pointing that out! Glad I’ve only done 10 or so so far. 🙂 I misunderstood those instructions when I read through it previously so it definitely makes more sense now.

    I should be all set for now, thanks!



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    You are welcome 🙂

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