I’m having a bit of trouble with the “My Dashboard” panel on a Geodirectory installation with Prices and Payments 1.4.4 installed. The “My Invoice History” link appears to be set to # – it does not go to an invoice page.
We’ve used this combination before, and I would usually expect it to go to /gd-invoices/ but the link does not go there, nor does that page appear to exist.
The development site has a large number of CSV imported Places and none of these have invoices / correct users attached at this point in time, but I’d expect that (as the Admin that uploaded the CSV) I would either see a list of invoices or a message showing that I have no invoices, rather than just reloading the page I’m on.
Any suggestions or recommendations?
EDITED TO ADD: If this happens to you, check the GD Tools “GD Pages Check” to make sure your Invoices page is correctly installed.