Changing Title to Business Name

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Eileen Quick 7 years, 6 months ago.

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    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi There

    I would like to change the Title to the Business Name of the Listing. I have followed the instructions in the knowledgebase by downloading the .po file and editing BUT I get an error when trying to save.

    I have attached a screenshot.

    I have set up a custom post but I want the Name at the top to be the business name of the listing and not the custom post name.

    Thank you.


    Post count: 29970

    If a language string has a variable in it like “%s Title”, then the translation needs to have the variable too. That is what the error message is saying: your translation needs to contain the variable argument.

    In this case %s refers to the singular custom post type name, for example Business or Place etc.

    So your translation string need to be

    %s Name

    instead of

    %s Title




    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi There

    Thank you for that Guust. I have now done that but whilst it shows correctly on the front end when the registrar is filling out a listing the wording has not changed.

    Business name shows what is seen on the front end which is correct.
    When doing a listing shows backend which is incorrect.

    I have attached a couple of images so you can see.

    Many thanks.

    Kind regards



    Post count: 29970

    It looks like the Custom Post Type is called Therapy and not Business …

    In this case %s refers to the singular custom post type name, for example Business or Place etc.

    In your case that is Therapy, not Place or Business.


    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi There

    In that case I could just do a custom post for Business But then everything else is incorrect and I cannot go to sub sub levels ie Business, Therapy, Therapy Type. What I am trying to achieve is this.

    The Custom post is Therapy – because it is a registry for therapists.
    The categories are – the types of different therapies.

    However rather than have the Title and the Description as Therapy Title and Therapy Description I want it to say Business Name and Business Description. It would then show correctly on the Front end and when the lister is completing the listing form.

    Because wpgeodirectory will not do a sub sub menu its the only way to do this.

    Is there a way of changing the text on the listing page just for those two items ie Therapy Title to Business Title and Therapy Description to Business Description?

    Many thanks.

    Kind regards



    Post count: 29970

    If you only have one CPT then you can do that by translating

    %s Title


    <span style="display: none;">%s</span>Business Title

    Apply the same principle for the description.

    Or you could use

    %s Business Title

    so the result is Therapy Business Title.



    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Thank you Guust I will give that a go.

    Kind regards


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