How to remove categories from listings pages
This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Vlad Chirila 7 years, 6 months ago.
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September 12, 2017 at 2:51 pm #395333
Hi guys!
I am now restructuring my website: adding new categories & sub-categories. I will have many of these categories for my listings. After I will have my categories list complete, each listing will show on the top of its profile, the entire list of categories and sub-categories. That’ why I have 3 questions:
#1. How can I remove the categories from showing on the top of my listings? I have them on the sidebar, so I do not need them necesarily on the top. (see attachement)
#2. From what you know, if I remove them from showing up on the top of the listings’ page, will this affect SEO?
#3. If ‘yes’ for question 2, how can I remove the pin from showing up on the top of the categories, so the list of categories and sub-categories will appear in a more friendly and easy to read way, rather than to be nmixed up in an untidy way?
thanks a lot,
VladSeptember 12, 2017 at 6:27 pm #395374Hi,
1 you can hide them with this css:
.sd-detail-cat-links {display:none;}
2 no effect on SEO.
3 see answer 2.
September 13, 2017 at 9:56 am #395477Thank you so much for your answer!
Please let me ask you something else now: is there a limit in the number of GeoDirectory Categories & Subcategories? Like: 500, 5000, etc ?
VladSeptember 13, 2017 at 5:44 pm #395567There is no set limit, but the higher the number the heavier your website will be on your server.
You should try to keep it simple…
September 13, 2017 at 5:52 pm #395569Thanks.
I wanted to keep it simple, but the SEO company that I work with told me to create categories and subcategories with the Regions, Cities, Districts, Neighborhoods in Romania, because these taxonomies rank better in search engines. So there will be a lot of them. Hope I will not mess everything up.
Thanks a lot,
VladSeptember 13, 2017 at 5:53 pm #395571That sounds like a super bad idea to me. You have locations in GD and they rank just as well. Google doesn’t know the difference.
September 13, 2017 at 5:59 pm #395575I am now caught in the middle. There were 3 different SEO companies that told me the same thing when I asked for an audit of my website structure. I chose to work with one of these 3 companies and to follow this reccommendation because all 3 said the same thing.
I will take full responsability for what happens next.
Thanks for the advice,
VladSeptember 13, 2017 at 7:17 pm #395593they gave you that suggestion because they don’t know how GD works, I’m just trying to avoid you to fail…
It’s not only a bad idea, it’s a critically bad idea.
September 13, 2017 at 8:11 pm #395608Ok then. I’ll listen to what those guys from SEO said, but I will try to listen to your advice as well.
So I will try to resume to my top regions at the moment (7 out of 48). That means I will create cat & sub-categ for these 7 only at this time. I’ll see what happens with my website and with SEO as well in the following period with this change.
Thank you Paolo for your advice!
September 13, 2017 at 9:34 pm #395625Because we got to this point, let me tell you a bit about this website of mine to make clear what I have to do, maybe you can share an advice on how to do it.
What is my website ( about:
Beauty Salons listings.
These beauty salons cand be split into:
1. Beauty Salons (general name)
2. Hair Salons
3. Cosmetic Salons
4. Barber Shops
5. Makeup Salons
6. Nail Salons
7. SPAsOne Beauty Salon listing can be part of all the above mentioned.
Ex: Boudoir Privee Salon is a beauty salon as a main category, but it also represents a: hair salon, barber shop, cosmetic salon, makeup salon, nail salon, spa.More than this, besides the split made obove, there has to be another split into: Country/Region/City/District/Neighbourhood.
Ex: Romania/Municipiul Bucuresti/Bucuresti/Sector 1/VictorieiWhen an user searches on Google, he will search “hair salons Victoriei” or “makeup salons Victoriei” (in Romanian not in English) – Victoriei is a Neighbourhood in Bucharest, Romania. I must have a specific page url like “hair salons Victoriei” in order for Google to show to that user a search result from my website. That’s why I think the SEO company told me to split everything into very very specific categories and sub-categories.
I was also thinking to make use of the CPT add-on. But I don’t think I can list a place and put it in the General Places CPT and also in another 2/3 CPT types just like I would check 2/3 different categories. I can imagine that I have to create a listing as many times as categories/CPT types it belongs to.
EX: If I have a listing named Boudoir Prive (as in the previous example) how could I check that this listing is part of 2/3 different CPTs (beauty salon Victoriei, hair salon Victoriei, cosmetic salon Victoriei, etc)?If I explained this in a clear way, please let me ask you, do you have an ideea on how should I use GD to make this happen?
VladSeptember 13, 2017 at 9:53 pm #395626With GeoDirectory you can create locations like this:
Once you do that you can easily browse : “category in location” out of the box.
Example: hotels in New York:
Using categories as location too, you’ll get a lot of duplicate content and a lot of extra work for nothing.
That said, we don’t provide SEO consulting, so if you trust these people, just follow their suggestions.
September 13, 2017 at 10:31 pm #395630I totally understand what you say! Thank your for your advices and for your warnings. It made me think again.
These guys said to create even more specific locations. This is the kind of url they reccommended: (If this example is followed, it will not create duplicate content.)
But this means that I have to create in total almost 2.900 categ & subcateg for the entire country. BUT as I said I will try to listen to you and to keep it as low as possible. Only 7 regions out of 48. This means app 735 categories & subcategories.
I craweled the Internet, and in most of the SEO articles I found, almost everyone says that taxonomies are more easy to be recognised and ranked rather than outher sources. I am not a SEO expert, that’s why I followed what these guys said.
I also understand that you do not provide SEO consulting and even more I appreciate your replies.
Thank you Paolo!
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