GTmetrix report help!

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    Andrew C
    Expired Member
    Post count: 138

    Just wondering if you could give me some directions on how to fix these issues found in GTmetrix report? Please see screenshots attached.



    Andrew C
    Expired Member
    Post count: 138
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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Andrew,

    Your site looks pretty well optimised to me, you will never get perfect scores with these websites but the main thing is getting a good load time.

    The thing taking the longest on your site just now is
    But this is just for me, and likely because the server is USA based and i am not.

    The only other thing i would recommend is maybe a CDN.
    I would also try some different caching systems to see what works best for that site, see here:




    Andrew C
    Expired Member
    Post count: 138

    I would like to fix those issues I sent you, please provide necessary support if you don’t mind.



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    GD Booster won’t fix those, they are not really issues, they are ways to improve the site to the max which is pretty much impossible with a WordPress site. As i said feel free to try any other caching product and you will see people asking the exact same questions to their support.
    I would not worry about that too much, i would worry more about your total load time.




    Andrew C
    Expired Member
    Post count: 138

    GD Booster? Sorry sir but I am not talking about GD Booster. If you want to know, I had to turn OFF GD Booster because if its ON, its not giving better ratings from what I have now.

    I already did try some other caching plugins and other combinations of plugins along with all plugins I have to optimize website, I already did that, its not working still, ratings and speed are low, thats why I am here.

    My hosting company is providing me a better caching plugin but as you know we cannot have two caching plugins activated at same time.

    Again, can we just fix these errors I pointed in first messages?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Andrew,

    they are not errors, they are suggestions that are not applicable to 100% of websites.

    A WordPress website will rarely get to 100% on GT Metrix.

    What Stiofan is trying to convey as message is that what is important is the page loading time, not the result.

    If you get 100% on GT Metrix but your website loads in +3 seconds, you are not doing better of a website that scores 75% but loads in 500ms.

    Google will rank better the second website. Going after the perfect score is shortsighted.



    Andrew C
    Expired Member
    Post count: 138


    Understand and thanks for the explanation.

    So, based on my previous message, what should I do to improve that? I already had the “plugin war, Activate/Deactivate”

    As far as now, kind not asking the rules to improve a general website speed, I just need suggestion to improve you guys Supreme Directory product, as we are not fix those erros pointed by GTmetrix.

    Thanks again.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Stiofan already told you what you can easily improve here:

    I never use GT Metrix, I normally use pingdom tools and your website can hardly be improved :!/eC2R93/

    Because most of your page are scripts, css and images:

    Script 45.5 % 371.36 KB
    Image 22.2 % 181.18 KB
    CSS 17.6 % 143.84 KB

    A CDN will definitely make it a lot faster from all locations. Other than that you can almost only upgrade the hosting server.

    Even improving those points that are marked as possible issues, will not give you visible speed improvements.

    I’m talking about this:

    71 Remove query strings from static resources
    72 Minimize request size



    Andrew C
    Expired Member
    Post count: 138
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    You are welcome 🙂

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