When logged on as an Author (role) prior to clicking on ‘Edit this Post’ to edit a GD Place in the detail page – the formatting of the social media icons (Twitter, Facebook & Google+) area is correct and looks great. Upon inspection the class generated is correct too – e.g. on the Twitter item, class=”twitter-share-button twitter-share-button-rendered twitter-tweet-button”.
However – public website visitors are never presented with this formatting – what they see is broken. Twitter and Facebook icons don’t appear. Upon inspection of this area the class generated on the presented web page indicates a fault – e.g. for Twitter, class=”twitter-share-button twitter-share-button-error”.
How do we fix this problem so that web visitors see the Twitter and Facebook icons in an identical format – as intended and previewed by the GD Place author/editor?
On a related issue of formatting and presentation on this page – the ‘Edit this Post’ border, usually immediately below the social media icons, is always visible to public website visitors when it should not. Shouldn’t the GD plug-in intelligently hide not only the wording content, but the surrounding empty container? Just looks a bit messy.
Screenshots attached. Thanks for your help.
Regards, Steve.