Database issue

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 22


    I created 3 prices packages with different features, using the price and payment add-on. For the free one, I disable all the informations like phone, mail, website…I kept some of the informations available for the pro account and the others for the premium account. I already have more than 1000 listings. All of them are on the free package because I add them manually. But since I set the prices and the packages, I lost all the data I collected (phones, email, facebook, twitter, youtube…) and even when I put a listing on a Premium account, there is no data coming back.Is there some way I can get back my data? Its more than one month of work and I can’t imagine that the plugin don’t save those data somewhere. Data is money nowadays. Please help.


    Post count: 1076

    On your Listing settings you may have to enable the fields to display per price package. The add-on should not affect your database. Double-check your settings.


    Post count: 29970

    Please post your URL, WP admin and phpMyAdmin access (hosting panel should be OK too) details in a private reply and we will check it out for you.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 22

    Hello !

    I deactivated than reactivated geodirectory and the price add-on, than check again the data on the website and on phpMyAdmin. Everything seems back to normal. When I enable the free package on a listing all the data disappear, including the fields like phone and email. And when I enable the premium package, the data come back with the fields. Yesterday, it wasn’t the case, I don’t Know why. When I enable the free package, the fields remind but empty, no data. I don’t Know what happened but I really freaked out.

    Thanks for the help. Great support with great reactivity.


    Post count: 29970

    I guess you may have had some caching issue maybe, but all’s well that ends well 🙂
    Thanks for letting us know.

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