Questions about search bar

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 22


    Few questions about Geodirectory advanced search.

    1 – When the plugin auto locate the customer, my home page title and subtitle (Coeur de Villes : Trouvez les Enseignes qui portent vos valeurs) change and some times I got « Location” or “Near Me « or a city name like « Paris ». I don’t want my homepage’s Title and subtitle to move. What do I have to do?

    2 – Is it possible to deactivate Near Me without deactivating the whole advanced search bar?

    3 – The text in the search bar second box for the « « city » » is in background on the normal search bar. But when near me is activated, the text is forefront and you have to delete the text before you wrote a city name. Is it possible to change that?

    4 – The search bar don’t seem to work with my tags. My website works essentially with tags. But when I put “restaurant Bio” in a city, the results are restaurants but some of them are bio and others are not. It’s the same with other tags like kosher or halal. Is there something am doing wrong?

    5- It is about adding a third box in the homepage search bar like I saw on your showcase for arbolife or lucky we live here. The idea is to have a first box for the categories, the second one for the tags and the third one for the city. Paolo wrote on popupip showcase thats”those options are coming out of the box with the advance search add-on », but I couldn’t find where.

    6- The last question is about the design of the search bar. Can I find some options in your membership themes? Maybe GD Framework?

    Thank you


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