theme question

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    Tia King
    Expired Member
    Post count: 38

    I like the look of one of the demo websites listed on your site called
    Are you able to tell me what geodirectory theme it uses?

    I want to create a new site that will have a number of map layers for the same small geographical area eg: walks, kids activities, fishing, open gardens, historical sites etc

    Is there a facility for the site visitor to create their own map of favorite locations?

    I already use Geodirectory for another site and am a full member. Can you confirm that this membership entitles me to use the plugins and any WPGeo theme for a second site? I can see where the rules of membership are listed.

    Many thanks


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Hello Tia,

    thanks for writing in with your question today.

    It looks like that site is using a child theme of the GeoDirectory framework:

    You site visitors can add any listing type that you allow them to add, you just create a link to the CPT add listing page. A Favorites function is built into GeoDirectory. You could add UsersWP to get some beautiful profiles with easy to find favorites:

    Your members entitles you to use GeoDirectory Addons on an unlimited number of URLs. Can’t wait to see your new site!

    Thanks again for writing in today; feel free to open a new topic if you have a new question


    Tia King
    Expired Member
    Post count: 38

    Hi Alex

    I’ve had a look at the 4 child themes and none of them look like

    The things I particularly like are:

    1. The fact that the map is hidden on the home page until the ‘show map’ button is clicked.
    2. The category icons are listed in a simple way below the map.
    3. Each category section is shown below the map with an icon, a heading and View All (not working though)
    4. Then the locations in the category are shown in a simple horizontal slider.

    Can you tell me if I can achieve the above with one of your themes?

    Many thanks


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    If you are shopping for the features, everything available out of the box is there to see on the demos for each theme.

    The GeoDirectory framework is specifically for creating your own new theme, which is what I assume the site you reference has done.

    You can always hire an expert to add the features you want. What I see on that site could be added by any of the GD Experts at


    Post count: 29970

    That site has customized the display of a few things using this plugin:

    They have created their own child theme for the GeoDirectory Framework. The extra features you see are custom features added, using their own CSS etc.


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