Hi there,
for some time now I am trying to import my csv-file with listings.
Therefore I have exportet the sample file from GD.
Testwise I have then importet the sample file without having made any changes and it worked fine.
After that I have opened the sample file (with Open Office) and copied the data of my listings in the respective columns of the sample file (each listing incl. title, post type, categorie, full address details, latitude and longitude). Then I re-imported the new sample file including my data.
As a result only 7 of 19 listings where imported. However, each of these imported listings only constists of a permalink in the frontend – no title, no address, no nothing.
The rest of the listings where not imported, some of them due to missing post type, category or title (although each one has a title, category and post type in the csv) or unvalid address (although all these addresses worked fine when drawing the latitude and longitude from gpsvisualizer).
My next try was to create a listing with the frontend form “add listing”, exported that in a csv file and used that as a sample. – Same miserable result.
1) What is the problem with my import?
2) the GD sample csv file does not have a column for “claimed”. When using the sample to import data without the column “claimed”, will then all listings be claimed or not claimed by default?
Looking forward to hearing from you.