What is the highest amount of listings to be added into the GD database?

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Dirk 6 years, 5 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi support team,

    let’s say I want to establish a Y… clone and start with add listings in this example
    “For 100 cities 29 categories 10 Listings from each category = 29000 business listings”

    1 city 29 categories 10 Listings from each category = 290 business listings for each city.
    For 100 cities 29 categories 10 Listings from each category = 29000 business listings for 100 cities

    Will Geodirectory or the MySQL database behind cause any issues to handle the amount of listings to start with?

    Let me know the limitation and the thoughts and the truth about capacity and handling problems.

    Best, Alex


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Alex,

    GD can handle millions of listings, the limitations would be the server and what other plugins you have installed.

    In your case i know you like your plugins and have many active which will slow down any WP site, even more so with many listings. When you have that many listing there are a few things you need to consider such as, you can’t load a million listings on a map at the same time, you would need to limit things like the categories shown or the max zoom (out) level. It would also be best to disable the auto category counts.

    I used to have a few test sites running 500k listings but i recently deleted them, i’ll make some large demos after GDv2 is released and i have more time.




    Full Member
    Post count: 390

    Hi Alex,

    my project has GD Core, Events and one additional CPT with several categories. In total more than 65.000 listings. The site is generating 200.000 page views per month. Even with a high crawler rate I don’t see any loading issues.
    With a dedicated server no problem, even on a shared server I have been before the performance was okay.
    As Stiofan said, the server is the main issue you should focus on.



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Thanks for the input Dirk!



    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Stiofan, thanks for info and further suggestions

    Best, Alex


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Dirk,

    thanks also for your info and acknowledge that GD can handle lots of listings with your stunning results.

    By the way, how did you done this to get to this good results. Can you please send me your link to see your site and are there any suggestions for me as a GD user colleague to reach such numbers?

    Best, Alex


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    @stiofan again,

    about your suggestions

    When you have that many listing there are a few things you need to consider such as, you can’t load a million listings on a map at the same time, you would need to limit things like the categories shown or the max zoom (out) level. It would also be best to disable the auto category counts.

    Where can I find the settings of
    a. limit things like the categories shown or the max zoom (out) level
    b. disable the auto category counts

    Best, Alex


    Full Member
    Post count: 390


    the site is: https://www.distillery.news/.

    The site is running on a dedicated server. I’m using Geo 1280 theme, but thinking on getting a new theme done. Time is so limited.

    I did not find the time to optimize buddypress layout, but okay. Also some of the CSS is not optimized or sometimes looking weird, but that’s all tweaking.

    There are a lot of options to optimize… Don’t know where to start 🙂 Let me know if you have specific questions.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    @Dirk, thanks.

    Congrats to your success.
    Let you know if more details needed.

    Best, Alex


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    @Dirk, Nice website, have you submitted it to our showcase? https://wpgeodirectory.com/submit/
    Are you hoping to do a sort of wiki thing or are you hoping the brewery will claim the listings to update details?

    b. GD>Multilocations>LOCATION TERM COUNT SETTINGS (this will mean you will manually have to do it via GD Tools>Location category counts)




    Full Member
    Post count: 390


    thanks. No, I have not yet submitted to the showcases. Please give me some time as I’m not yet finished with the functions. I will let you know.
    I have both. As this is a fun project I’m importing listings and maintaine whenever I have time. No plan for commercialization.


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