Listing Author Email Gathering?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephanie McQueen 7 years ago.

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  • #418668

    Stephanie McQueen
    Expired Member
    Post count: 57

    Wondering if there is a way to gather the emails for all authors of listings? I want to have a specific newsletter just for them so I can update them all at once when there are changes or reminders for listings.

    Hoping I don’t have to manually do it!


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Stephanie,

    I would recommend using this addon . Let us know what you think.



    Stephanie McQueen
    Expired Member
    Post count: 57

    Well, yes and no. From what I understand, when a user signs up it will add them to the list? (when they select the box)

    I need existing users (only authors of active listings, not all users). I also realized that a GD listing doesn’t give them a specific role, so I can’t filter them to export via role (through the plugin Export Users to CSV).

    The reason I’m trying to do this is dual purpose:
    1) I am migrating their listings to a sub-site soon and need a way to notify them of where to go and how to get back to their listing.
    2) I want to just export those listing authors to then import them into the new sub-site user list (So that when I import the listings it actually attaches it to the right person).

    So, now knowing that, is there a different way I could go about doing this?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    GD doesn’t come with functionality for user export, or sending bulk email to users.

    You can export the listings to gather the emails associated with the listings, though.

    It’s something that comes up often, though, and we will be looking at it for future versions of UsersWP https://userswp.io


    Stephanie McQueen
    Expired Member
    Post count: 57

    Ah alright, thanks!

    I forgot I can get the emails from the listings themselves, that might solve my issue for this particular situation. My map is growing a bit faster than I presumed and I needed to move it before it got too large to make a smooth transition.

    On a side note, there is a typo on UsersWP footer. I attached the image.

    When I saw it I smiled as I was reminded we’re all still people. 🙂

    Don’t overwork yourselves!

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