Hi there,
It’s been a while since I’ve played with the author page… I am trying to figure out how the URL gets created for the author page. The only I currently have is:
My issue is I’m trying to figure out how to create a link in my menu so any user can click on “My Favorites” and be taken to their favorite places.
I found this plugin to create a shortcode in a menu: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/adding-a-link-to-current-logged-in-authors-page
I was trying to create a link with the short code mentioned there but the short code returns “jack3” (username) instead of “admin” (nickname) – being that my admin account is different I was trying to do it with a regular user account and I can’t seem to find the link that was created for that users favorite listing page.
On my regular user page the link should be:
http://eatlocalnky.com/author/[email protected]/?geodir_dashbord=true&stype=gd_place&list=favourite
since the username and nickname are both the email address – but this doesn’t appear to work either.
Any ideas on how your author page URL is created and how I can create a link to it?