Blocking Events unless a listing has been purchased

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Anthony Tolman 6 years ago.

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    Anthony Tolman
    Expired Member
    Post count: 7

    Hi there,

    I would like to block events from being added unless a live place listing has been bought and is active.

    Before I go in and start editing (and maybe breaking it) what would be your recommended approach to this? and if you have none can you point in the right direction of what files to edit.

    Many thanks!


    PS – great plugin BTW! 🙂


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Anthony,

    Do you mean you want to restrict users from creating an event if they did not have a listing? If I’m misunderstanding this, kindly elaborate a little bit more.



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    GeoDirectory doesn’t have any specific features for that, besides allowing you to restrict whether a certain GD post type can be added from the front end or not.

    These options are at GD – Design – Navigation

    For page restriction you will need a membership plugin like S2 Members. We don’t recommend any particular plugin.

    If you are looking for help with setup, you can find a GD Expert here:

    A normal WordPress query could be used to find out if a user has already created a post of a particular type.


    Editing of the core plugin files is not recommended, but you can see this link for some best practices for overriding templates:

    It seems like, from what you have described, that this might be an alteration to the add-listing template. This is a complex page and we won’t be able to help with the customization as we do not do customizations here in the forum.

    It is possible to create an add listing form for a particular post type using the shortcode, and then it may be possible to restrict access to that with a membership plugin or custom code based on custom coded criteria.


    Anthony Tolman
    Expired Member
    Post count: 7

    OK thanks for all the links and info! I need to get this done quickly so will just put my own code in to do it! I suspected it might be a use case not covered by the core plugin.

    Many thanks for the response 🙂

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