Hi, since wpgeo seems loading slow on my dedicated, I asked to the hoster how to manage this, and he suggested to change the php configuration as following. Do you think wpgeo plugins are compatible with the new one?
I could see that you are using suPHP as a PHP handler. The caveat to suPHP is that it uses considerably more CPU resources than DSO. On a high traffic server with PHP suPHP can cause this typical response there is a new phpHandler called DSO w/ MOD_RUID2.
It offers the security permissions of suPHP while having the low RAM and CPU usage of DSO, there are typically few issues with making a switch from suPHP to DSO there are some WordPress plugins that can stop working. The process is performed from easyApache and is reversible.
Install eAccelerator: Switching to DSO allows us to install eAccelerator, which is an opcode cacher that caches commonly requested PHP code so that it can serve the PHP code readily without needing the web server to recompile the code from scratch every time.
Many people have success implementing DSO w/mod_ruid2 & an accelerator. This is a much faster setup; however, mod_ruid2 is incompatible with certain modules:
Thank you in advance