Custom post types link in admin and setting areas

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #438344

    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    The Custom Post Type link is missing, thumb nails missing. Yes, the plugin is installed and activated, Cache cleared. Tested plugin conflict..

    Code snippets now breaks site. Cannot re-active code snippets without getting 500 errors.


    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    Not sure of “fix” but here we go.

    I believe using the code snippets on the “main” site of a multisite is ok. I believe mixing or using the setting in the Network Admin plugins area is a no no but not sure.

    I found an article from the cs forum. I installed this code into the wp-config.php file and presto site back up and humming. define(‘CODE_SNIPPETS_SAFE_MODE’, true);

    I deleted from the code snippets my addition of a snippet to the Network admin area and it deleted all of my redirect snippets. Even off of the “main site” so.. I will re-install the gd direction on code snippet redirects for login and register.

    Then test by commenting out the define(‘CODE_SNIPPETS_SAFE_MODE’, true); in the config file.

    Please close ticket.

    OH.. custom post types link is back too.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Great! Great to hear you got it working

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