Replacing add listings and other pages

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  grubsup2010 8 years, 12 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 28


    I had originally wanted to not allow business owners to submit their own listings and removed the add listing page and a few other. Now I have decided that this was the wrong thing to do and want to reinstate those pages.

    I have done the Add Listing one, but what other pages where there and what are their shortcodes please.



    Post count: 29970

    Check whether correct pages exist at GD Tools [first Run button].
    Go to GD > permalinks to make sure they are selected.
    There are no shortcodes for pages.

    The correct way to disable listings to be added is GD > design > navigation > and then remove the relevant custom post type from where it says “allow users to add listings”.


    Free User
    Post count: 28

    Thanks 🙂

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