Hi Alex,
I’m using the code written by Paulo in the link I gave. The code is:
add_filter('geodir_detail_page_tab_list_extend', 'geodir_detail_page_tab_list_extend_profile') ;
function geodir_detail_page_tab_list_extend_profile($tab_array)
{ global $post;
// here is where we check the tab we want has info and then assign it to a global $post value.
// you would change the 'gd_tab_3' to your tab key.
if(isset($tab_array['gd_tab_3']['tab_content']) && $tab_array['gd_tab_3']['tab_content']){
$post->my_profile_extend = $tab_array['gd_tab_3']['tab_content']; // assign the content to global value
$tab_array['gd_tab_3']['is_display']= false;// don't display the tab
// here we call a function that will get the global value and echo it.
return $tab_array;
// function that will get the global value and echo it.
function gd_extra_profile_tab_info(){
global $post;
if(isset($post->my_profile_extend) && $post->my_profile_extend){echo $post->my_profile_extend;}