Further to this; I’ve found a great free WordPress plugin called Admin Columns (https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/codepress-admin-columns/)
It enables me to add columns to my admin back-end Users dashboard.
For example, I’ve added GD RSVP and Favourite counts > https://cl.ly/3d2c2s01062H
To do that, I used a Custom Field option in the Admin Columnns plugin and searched through the available options, picking “event_rsvp_yes” and “event+rsvp_maybe” for the RSVPs (I’d changed their labels via the translations’ .po files using Poedit) and “gd_user_favourite_post” for the Favourite post.
I then set the “Field Type” in the Admin Columnns plugin to “Number of Fields”, which seems to give a sum total output (i.e. a total count of events favourited, for example)
However, I’ve not found a Field that corresponds to GD event listings; do you know what it might be?
As this would be a great way to add that info (Number of Listings put up) in the native WordPress Dashboard > User admin area.