Theme Conflict

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephanie McQueen 6 years, 5 months ago.

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    Stephanie McQueen
    Expired Member
    Post count: 57

    I am using the latest WP and GD –

    I have tried 2 different themes now and GD is causing a layering issue with my menus. It is causing the sub-menu to appear underneath any menus below it.


    Main Item1 Item2 Item3-dropdown
    Additional Item1 Item2 Item3 (under item3 is the drop2 item)

    I currently have an example live on my site (I am currently changing the theme but the new theme is having the same issue.

    It is the base GD plugin causing the issue. I would like to keep the plugin active on the site and not be forced to move it to it’s own subsite/domain or alter the menu.

    If you guys can help me figure out what is causing it to do this I will be eternally grateful!

    Thank you!


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    please renew your membership so we can continue to provide you with support 🙂


    Stephanie McQueen
    Expired Member
    Post count: 57

    😮 but this is for the core plugin – I thought support for that was free always since the plugin is free?

    I am not able to renew at this time, but will be renewing at the beginning of November when funding comes in. 🙁


    Post count: 29970


    Support for Free Users (non members) is provided for website where only the core plugin is installed and used. If addons are installed and used (even only one addon), the user will have to subscribe again before being able to receive support.

    I suggest you check out your WP menu settings.



    Stephanie McQueen
    Expired Member
    Post count: 57

    I understand. I was using only the original plugin on a different site from when I subscribed (no add-ons, just GD). This is the only reason I came to ask the question. I knew I was no longer a subscriber and didn’t realize that it opted me out of general GD support if I wasn’t renewed yet. 🙁

    That’s a bummer. Guess I won’t be able to use the plugin until I can renew and ask the question again.

    Thanks though – I’ll checkout some of the theme and GD CSS to see if I can figure out a conflict.


    Post count: 29970

    I don’ think it is CSS, I suggest you check out your WP menu settings [and possibly GD > Design > Navigation].
    But the site is not live, so I am only guessing.


    Stephanie McQueen
    Expired Member
    Post count: 57

    Okay I will, thanks 🙂

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