WPML Duplicate GD Posts Categories problem

This topic contains 14 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Kiran 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Post count: 802


    I have added new categories to a GD CPT and translated them with WPML.

    Then I edited the categories in the original language GD Post that it is WPML duplicated in the other three languages.

    The problem is that the translated posts take the categories from the post in the original language instead the corresponding translated categories.

    For example, category “Glops” in the original language, which is catalan, has been translated to “Tragos” in Spanish, “Verres” in French and “Drinks” in English.

    If I set the category of a catalan GD Post to “Glops”, the same category “Glops” appears in the same post duplicated into the other languages (Spanish, French and English), instead “Tragos” in Spanish, “Verres” in French and “Drinks” in English.

    The only way to solve this is to edit the post in every language individually to delete the original language category and set the correct one, but doing this forces to disable the duplication function of WPML, which I would like not to do, since I am using the description field in the original language for all languages because I have not yet translated it.

    Strangely enough, this does not happens with tags, since tags in the original language are correctly set to their translated tags in the GD Post in the other languages.

    Perhaps I missed some WPML setting or I am doing something wrong.

    Could you help?

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much once again for your help.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 29970

    Can you post all relevant details in a private reply, then Kiran will have a look: URL, WP admin, and details of the listing in question.


    Post count: 802
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    Post count: 7069
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    Post count: 802

    Hi Kiran,

    Thank you very much for taking the time to investigate.

    Now I see what happens:

    1) In the WP Backend, the Category field appears in the admin language in all languages. That is, CA being the admin language, for example Category Tots appears in all languages.

    2) However, the Category appears correctly translated in the Frontend. Sorry, I did not check this when opening the ticket.

    3) The cause of the confusion has been:

    a – The Category set in the original language CA appears in the WP Backend in the original language CA in the duplicated languages posts. For example, category “Tots” CA appears in the WP Backend of the ES, FR and EN posts, while, as you tested, the Frontend shows the corresponding translated Category.
    b – The Category selector in the duplicated languages posts shows the categories in the corresponding language, not in the original language CA.
    c – This made me to deduct the problem I described and to edit the post in each language individually to assign the correct Category in each language, then losing the duplication.

    To avoid this confusion, I think that the Categories set in the original language should be shown in the translated languages posts (or in the original language only of they have not been translated), regardless of the admin language set or if the translated posts are duplicated or not from the original language, like they are shown in the Category selector. Would you agree? Would this be a WP, a GD or a WPML issue?

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much once again for your help.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 802

    Hi Kiran,

    About your recommendation for the language URL, do you mean changing the WPML setting to the marked in red in the attached screenshot?

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much once again for your help.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 7069


    I think that the Categories set in the original language should be shown in the translated languages posts (or in the original language only of they have not been translated), regardless of the admin language set or if the translated posts are duplicated or not from the original language, like they are shown in the Category selector. Would you agree? Would this be a WP, a GD or a WPML issue?

    I don’t think this is an issue. Duplicate listings should not be edited separately, you should edit listing under original language only.

    About your recommendation for the language URL, do you mean changing the WPML setting to the marked in red in the attached screenshot?




    Post count: 802

    Hi Kiran,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    Now I have found another strange problem.

    In the GD Map of the translated languages some GD CPT “Menjar i Beure” listings appear with the Category icon of the old Category “Tots” CA (“Todos” ES, “Tous” FR, “All” EN) that I deleted and does not longer appear in the list of Categories in any language while the listings in each language appear with the correct new Categories that I set.

    For example:

    1) In this CA page the Category icon of the listings are the right ones:

    2) In the corresponding translated ES and FR pages the Category icon of 5 listings is the old one:

    3) In the corresponding translated EN page the Category icon of 4 of the previous 5 listings is the old one:

    I have not yet changed the WPML setting of the language URL because I have to change too the URL in many places that link to several pages.

    To test this I have deleted all WP, CDN and browser caches.

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much once again for your help.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 7069
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    Post count: 802

    Hi Kiran,

    Thanks a lot! As with other issues, I could not think about such simple action!

    I am finding all this stuff with WPML translation management more and more counterintuitive for a non-programmer mind as of mine! 😀

    Best regards.


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    Alex Rollin
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    Post count: 802
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    Post count: 29970
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    Post count: 7069


    1) Does this AddOn replace WPML? If this is the case, which will be the migration process?

    GeoDirectory Multilingual is a standalone addon to integrate multi language functionality between GeoDirectory and Multilingual addons(ex: WPML).
    In short GeoDirectory Multilingual is a bridge between GeoDirectory & WPML. If you want to extend WPML functionality within GeoDirectory then you must need GeoDirectory Multilingual.
    Main reason behind GeoDirectory Multilingual is to separate multi language functionality, because not all customers want multi language functionality on their sites.

    2) Does this AddOn provide functionality for users to add, edit and pay multilanguage listings in one go instead having to do it individually for every language as with GDV1?

    All WPML multi language functionality in GDv2 will be same as in GDv1.


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