Shortcode to Display all Categories

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  wasanajones 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #45651

    Post count: 180

    I’ve been poking around and can’t seem to find this – I need to display all categories in a grid or list by shortcode.



    Post count: 29970

    Set limit high enough. Let us know if that worked.


    Post count: 180

    Hi, thanks for reply.

    How would I display empty categories?


    Post count: 29970

    You would need to change the code.
    And then all you would do, would be to create a link to an empty page …

    Or add a listing to the category, but then it is not empty anymore 🙂


    Post count: 180

    The more successful sites doing directories and classifieds understand buyer behavior and show empty categories so that people know what to do…

    a link to an empty category wouldn’t land on a blank page, it would land on a page with images and descriptions of the category (ie “selling it to them to list on it”)

    then a call to action in the sidebar gets a new customer…

    sort of wondering how I might ‘change the code’ to make my directories more competitive


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    the widget is a class and if copied/pasted and renamed correctly in functions.php can be duplicated and modified safely from updates.

    The function in the widget that creates the html is: geodir_popular_post_category_output

    You can copy that as well in your functions.php, rename it (both the function and the function call within the widget) and modify it to include empty categories.

    I have quickly looked at the code to see if I can help with the customization, however it has proven quite difficult and I’m rasing my hands.

    You will need to find someone with a higher level of coding skills than me, also because this goes beyond support.



    Post count: 180

    thanks, but it seems simpler to just create 1500 non-duplicated fictional sample posts than to even discuss this further

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