Display Category Title

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Simone 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #45654

    Post count: 76

    I’m using the Avada theme and the entry_title for all the category pages is the default post type name (I changed “Places” to “Listings”). Here’s an example.


    I’d like to display the category name on these pages either in the Page Title Bar or below it just above the category description.

    I read this thread


    and played around with the page_title function, but I’m not sure what I’m doing and nothing I tried worked.

    Might it be easier to edit a template to add a heading just above the category description? If so, which template and what code should be added to pull the category name?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello, why don’t you edit the category description (editing the Categories in your post type’s category settings e.g. Place/Place Categories) making it H3, so where you have “Here is a description of the Attractions category” you will have the name of the category.

      add_action( 'geodir_listings_page_title', 'my_geodir_action_listings_title', 10 );
                                      function my_geodir_action_listings_title() { echo "<div style=width:1040px;>show category name here</div>"; }

    Or, you can add in your functions.php a function as stated in the thread you mentioned before

      add_action( 'geodir_listings_page_title', 'my_geodir_action_listings_title', 10 );
                                      function my_geodir_action_listings_title() { echo "<div style=width:1040px;>show category name here</div>"; }
    or here if you want it below the category description
                                      function categoriaa() {
    echo "show category name here";

    (note, the two functions are missing of the code to show the category)


    Post count: 76

    Wow, editing the description to include the title is so easy, and “doh!” I missed that option entirely. Thanks, that looks like it will work.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Glad we sorted out in the easy way 🙂

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