Is this possible with the events addon?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    I know that I need the events add-on to enable the calendar feature…

    What I want is for people to be able to post places, OR events, OR both.
    So for the events…I want people to be able to input their events any time during the year and then when the events are approaching, the upcoming events are posted as “new posts” so that Facebook will get a notice of a “new post” and post it to my Facebook feed. I’m not sure how Geodirectory works with Facebook as far as posting new posts, though… so maybe someone can explain this to me? Maybe it has a different way of doing this…

    So what I want is NOT to have places post as new posts to Facebook, but I DO want blog posts and upcoming events to post to Facebook…it seems like there should probably be a checkbox or setting somewhere to specify what shows as a “new post” or something along those lines so that the social media plugin recognizes it as something to push to my Facebook feed? I would imagine this has been covered, but I want to know for sure before I purchase this…and I cannot post on the events forum without a license, so I’m posting here to see if someone can tell me if this is possible with the events addon?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    sharing to Facebook will no longer be a part of GeoDirectory version 2. There are lots of plugins on that can be used for that purpose, and some no doubt offer settings to discriminate between post types. GDV1’s share to FB feature share all/none listings at the time they are published and does not have a scheduling function. We did not see this as a ‘core’ aspect/feature of the plugin and so recommend using other plugins that have more features.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ok thank you! Do you happen to recommend any particular calendar plugin that works well with geodirectory?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    We do not have any calendar integrations at this time.

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