Import CSV sample file fields

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    I want to create a category list to import rather than doing it one by one via admin interface. Few question to decide if it is viable

    1. How do we specify cat_id to avoid duplicate? if my site is fresh empty, can I specify cat_id in csv file anyway I want it as long as it is number?

    2. what is the relations between cat_posttype and cat_schema? If I have categories under gd_place, postype would be sub cat of Places, then what is the role of cat_schema? where will it show? Or GD supports 3 tire category structure?

    3. what is cat_description and cat_top_description? where is cat_top_description showing, as sample file has NULL for couple of samples

    4. can cat icon, color, default image fields blank/NULL when I import? or they are all compulsory fields?




    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    1. No, cat id must be assigned by wp.
    2. Any cat can have any other cat as a parent. Generally only parent/child structure is shown on the frontend.
    3. cat_top is the one that ca be called up by the GD > Category Description widget. Add sample data to see an example in your export.
    4. Only map icon is required


    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    Thanks Guust, will make a small one to try it out.

    2. Any cat can have any other cat as a parent. Generally only parent/child structure is shown on the frontend.

    I remember GD use CPT as main cat to show on map menu, categories are listed under CPT. Where will subcat show if we have CPT >Parent Cat>Sub cat?

    For map icon, is there a cheat sheet showing all available font awesome with name so that I can assign to the category?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    The map shows the Map Icon associated with the “default” category, which is a distinction made when choosing the listing category inside the add/edit listing form. (check your site for which version you are running)

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