Forgotten password

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    I’m on my phone and just browsing around on this version 2 test site I noticed when I select forgot password it goes to a WordPress page.


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    On this other live production site using supreme theme version 1 this is what forgot password looks like when you click on it. And the mobile dashboard on version one looks a little better overall font wise.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Yes, V2 works with default WP for login.

    We recommend UsersWP with V2.


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Okay so I guess you’re saying userWP doesn’t show WordPress login for forgot password.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Is there a question in there somewhere? Reading back through this I see no question marks, so I was guessing what you are asking.

    What can we help you with?

    Supreme has been updated for V2 with a variety of changes, notably the removal of the right side my-account section.

    All GDV2 functions fallback to WP login/register/forget functionality by default.

    UsersWP integrations for V2 are in place, and more are coming.


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Here’s my question:


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    When I’m beta testing V2 and reporting back my observations, is it a requirement to ask a question? Or could simply showing you the issue be enough? In the meantime, how can the forgotten password link be made to go to a GD or UWP page/form and not the WP page/form? This didn’t happen in previous version from what I recall. Or am I missing something?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    I have created a task for this to be looked at for Supreme. We are still working on V2 themes and have not made all final decisions about how the features or integrations will be implemented.

    When an update is available it will be posted back to this topic.

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