Please use Directory Starter V2.
1) the GD search engine does not work. I place to search and return to home page.
/search/ is already taken by Buddypress. I changed the slug of the GD Search page. Please check.
2) in the comments I can not choose the stars.
You have added this CSS in your custom CSS that overwrites the star color:
.fa-star {
content: "\f005";
color: #f30808;
3) I had several icons in each place but now they do not come out.
Customizations may need to be re-done.
4) in add place does not come out add time of place.
I cannot find a Place custom field called “Time”.
If you mean “Horarios” you need to set the custom field to “Active”.
5) Modifying a template does not show me the fast shorcode GD icon.
In WP 5 you use blocks instead of shortcodes, see image.