Hi, On my Home Page, I want to show a maximum of 4 postings in a row for a category then have a View All button. Alternatively have pagination.
1. To limit the number of postings to 4 in a row, I had to set [gd_listings post_limit=4] Although post_limit is not included as an option in Core Shortcodes documentation.
2. The Code Shortcodes document for gd_listing has the option post_number – Number of posts to show per page (default = 10), however this did not limit the number of posts. What is the purpose of this short code?
3. I tried adding pagination, but this did not show the page numbers. Can you please confirm if the code is correctly used?
4. Can I get a “View All” button or Pagination if there is more listings than displayed in the row?
[gd_listings title=”Something Different” post_limit=4 Category=”8″ layout=4 post_number=”4″ with_pagination=”1″ top_pagination=”1″ ]
[gd_listings post_limit=4 title=”Grab A Coffee” Category=”6″ layout=4 post_number=”4″ ]