Follow up to submit page

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kiran 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    Lindsey Coyle
    Free User
    Post count: 91

    Is there a way to direct a client to an html page after they have completed their registration of a place or event?


    Post count: 29970

    Yes, that is the “Listing Success” page.
    Or do you mean after payment? That will depend on your gateway used.
    Can you give us more information, please.


    Lindsey Coyle
    Free User
    Post count: 91

    For places I would want after payment, we are using the gateway. For events there isn’t a payment required so it would be after listing.


    Post count: 29970

    For free listings you can add content to the “Listing Success” page.
    I’ll get a developer to look at your other question.


    PS: in future, please ask questions related to WP Invoicing over here:


    Post count: 7069

    Hello Lindsey,

    – For free listings the template file is geodirectory\geodirectory-templates\preview-success.php. You can manage message from GeoDirectory > Notifications > Messages > “Post submitted success” to show after listing submitted.

    – For paid listings the template file is \geodir_payment_manager\geodir-payment-templates\success.php. You can manage message via translation. You can translate “Thank you, your information has been successfully…..” from file geodir_payments-en_US.po. Or you can define message via POSTED_SUCCESS_MSG. Ex:

    if (!defined('POSTED_SUCCESS_MSG')) define('POSTED_SUCCESS_MSG', __('<p>Thank you, your information has been successfully received.</p><p><a href="[#submited_information_link#]" >View your submitted information &raquo;</a></p><p>Thank you for visiting us at [#site_name#].</p>','geodir_payments') );

    Let us know.


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