Hi there.
Just wondering how (when using the front end add listing page) to save a listing as draft when either; a) you have not completed it and want to come back to it later OR, b) have completed it in advance but do not with to publish it yet?
Secondly, just wondering how if you publish a listing and then change your mind and want to remove the listing BUT want to ‘save’ the listing (i.e back to draft) so you don’t have to re-enter all the info again, how can this be done (i.e how can you control the listing ‘publish/ draft or trash’ settings from the front end form )
Thirdly, so if a user makes a listing in the front end form, when that listing expires and goes to ‘draft status’ how does a user see the old listing (now in draft) and be able to re-use this listing by enter in just a new event start and finish and re-publishing ?
Thanks as always.