Unable to update listings after re-import data

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Dear support team,

    I have re-imported the file to adjust some settings of the expiry date and phone no adjustments to add the international phone no i.e. +1 for USA/Canada.

    Then the map has some icons out of the map area to be edited and set address on map
    Screenshot > https://www.screencast.com/t/e5zrVwk0 and https://www.screencast.com/t/Pv5IaoBQ
    but after update the listing within preview window and clicking again on “Update New” (Screenshot https://www.screencast.com/t/jwyozjJsdaK ), then it is forward to main domain instead of listing which is not updated then.

    GD Homepage > gastronomies
    Edit listing URL
    File Uploaded

    Please help to solve this issue.

    Best, Alex

    P.S. I’ve tested with and without cache (wpsupercache,autoptimize,cloudflare cache) in use.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    The problem is the latitude is set to 48139.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi again,

    but if it’s just the latitude and I edit the listing münchner stuben or so-hyang-lorean-cuisine by using the button “set on map” then still this is not saved.

    I have corrected now those latitude settings by using “set on map” within gd backend editing, BUT still have the issue, if I do i.e. changes within the settings, still those are not saved after the preview and directly got forward to the main homepage instead of listing itself.

    Any ideas why?

    Best, Alex


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Neither listing has a problem with the map anymore, seems fixed.

    Everything works with the frontend editor.

    Please describe the issue you are experiencing now?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Just watch this video recording to see what I mean.
    > https://www.screencast.com/t/81PjS8I3lSN

    Right after edit listing and within preview clicking update then usually the listing itself should be displayed, but instead of this its forwarding to main domain page.

    So again there seems to be somthing else wrong.

    Best, Alex

    P.S. I’ve found some other false latitude entries within the table and corrected those as well but still without success to solve this problem.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    After I edit and submit It shows the listing. Perhaps cache?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Alex,

    I cannot agree with your info. Because I have this problem on my end regardless of which browser or PC I use. While edit the Listing Münchner Stuben Screen video > https://www.screencast.com/t/KI1qu5cfu5U

    Or even if I use a different listing So Hyang Korean Cuisine the same issue occurs.

    This problem starts happening after the re-import of data and even after adjustment of latitude and longitude entries which were not proper re-imported while using the gd import/export instructions. Let me know how to solve or may ask a colleague why this can happen and please help to solve.

    Best, Alex

    P.S. I guess I’ve found the reason. While review the export and edited new import file I found that the default category is missing of several listings and this may cause this problem.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi A.

    actually, I’ve found an older file to be used to update the hospitality listings and to adjust the problem of missing categories setup, but I am facing also problems that this file is stopping its import process after 770 of 2133 (36%) listings. Screenshot > https://www.screencast.com/t/Bejk4mnsSts

    And it creates new hospitality categories as a mixture of single categories in use. Screenshot > https://www.screencast.com/t/P9oPNT3cXVv

    GD Homepage Url

    I hope you can help me with that.
    An idea could also be to use an older database backup and to copy the “geodir_gd_hospitality_detail” table into the current approach, but then we still need to have the adjustments of renewing expiry date and phone no with an international country code to place in.

    Any ideas how to proceed?
    Best, Alex

    P.S. I guess the data format of the exported > edited > new to import file makes issues while using the open office software “Open office Cal”. I am using for all the format Unicode (UTF-8) with comma to separate and save it as CSV file according the gd instructions but still I am unable to solve this.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    V1 will create new categories if they don’t already exist. Check the file to make sure the category names match exactly. Categories will not display properly if they don’t have a map icon.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi A.
    thanks for this info, which I already knew. Again, the import process stuck on 770 of 2133 (36%) listings. I’ve now tried by dividing the table into 3 pieces to add listings at max amount of 719 but still there, after the second table the process stuck on listing no 49.

    Please help to solve why this stuck and not going further with add listings.
    Find here the tables:
    gd_hospitality_2601190748 – import_2.1
    gd_hospitality_2601190748 – import_2.2 > stucks on listing no 49 screenshot > https://www.screencast.com/t/oADxZwjNx9
    gd_hospitality_2601190748 – import_2.3

    I hope you will be able to find out the reason why it stucks and maybe also be possible to update the listings by using the files. Please let me know your results.

    Best, Alex

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