Single set of places distributed to many subsites

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    friendly fire
    Post count: 37

    You run a multisite network want to use a main database of places, events, etc and distribute them to your subsites without them having to create them.

    Current Situation
    Right now, Geodirectory is multisite compatible but in the true-sense of the term – meaning it’s basically a fresh install for every new subsite and doesn’t allow sharing any geo-directory post types betweeen them. That works for some but some of us may want to distribute some content to child sites.

    Possible Solution:
    For those that want to see this, we may have an option. Threewp Broadcast.

    Technically it currently does broadcast the Geodir posts to subsites on the network but it doesn’t currently bring over the place settings (address etc, images etc).

    However, I just spoke to their lead dev (he’s super awesome) and hes’ willing to build an addon if we can rally 3 or more people who are willing to pick it up.

    So… this is my rallying cry.

    Count me so we’ve got one! Can we get 2 more?

    I’ll give him this thread to watch so reply if you’re into it so he’ll know.

    Much love yall.


    Free User
    Post count: 109

    Hi friendly Fire,

    I am fighting with these problems for month because I need the same structure as you and have tried several clone plugins. All with the same negative results of the field settings. There is one clone plugin NC cloner (an expensive premium pay plugin) who clone these fields as well. Thanks to Paolo I could it make working with some tricks but that’s not so easy for a not developer and with riscs. I prefer a definitive solution too.

    So if you have the add-on solution for the multisite structure we need, I am the first who want to coloborate with you.

    If you need my personal information we can set the next post on private.

    Thanks and buenas noches from Spain



    Post count: 180

    I think this feature would be absolutely great, and a lot more people would use it if they knew they could do it with a simple setup from ThreeWP Broadcast.

    It is so good I want to keep the secret to myself…

    Thanks friendlyfire, I hope ThreeWP will run with it — keeping in mind several CPT and custom fields to match up

    THANKS ! (yes, shouting)


    friendly fire
    Post count: 37

    Awesome news so far. I’ll update Edward and keep everyone posted.

    Anyone else?


    friendly fire
    Post count: 37

    Ok, edward has released a beta to me to test. So far, we’re looking good.

    I can create a place, update all the settings, including address, and then broadcast it to a child site and have it all show up.

    The one thing we need to figure out is reviews. I’m voting we broadcast reviews from the main site. However, he can make it so it doesn’t come through and they can collect their own reviews.

    Also, since reviews are basically wp comments, does anyone also allow comments on the pages (besides reviews?) Because if we broadcast reviews, the comments for that page will come through too. He can separate them but it would take time.



    Free User
    Post count: 109


    In WP geodirectory is a review a comment and you can’t make a rating without review (comment). WP Geodirectory use for comments the standard WordPress comments. This part of this great software I like less of all because it generate many conflicts with 3th party plugins like facebook comment plugins and like buttons. For example: if you include facebook comments in a place (custom post type) it not always appears because of conflicts with the standard comment box. If you want to disapear the wordpress comment box in the review tab, you’re not able to do ratings anymore because the rating option disapears. I am only a user and not a developer and don’t know anything about hooks, wrapping and filters but I have tried hundreds of plugins the past 6 month since I work with WP Geodirectory and I can only say that you need to be carefull. It’s absolute the best directory software on the market at this moment but it’s not very 3th party plugin friendly or ::::: 3th party plugins are not very friendly to WP geodirectory.



    friendly fire
    Post count: 37

    agreed. I can see why they chose to use the built in comment functionality for reviews but I can also see it’s limitations.

    do you think we should we move forward with broadcasting reviews from the master site to the child site or leave them out?


    Free User
    Post count: 109


    I can only speak for myself because everyone has his own concept and strategies.

    In my case I prefer:

    1. Seperate comments from reviews so you be able to eliminate the build in wordpress comment box when you want to use for example disq or facebook comment box without losing your rating option

    2. I prefer the option to manage reviews on child site level because in my case the child sites are seperate by country andregions and managed by (franchisers) self supporting entrepeneurs who running their own region with their own clients and visitors. 25% of all posts, custom places and events need to be shared from the main site (all Spain site, this are all region child sites) to the child sites (region sites). Think about Country managed places and events. For that reason your feature is so important for us. One database where you can make on super-admin level desicions to which child sites you broadcast which posts, features or functions.

    Cheers Frank


    Post count: 180

    Hi – appreciate the work and follow-up on this

    I’m wondering what happens if reviews are added to the child site – we definitely want user interaction on the child – so if there is going to be issues with that, then I’d think the child site would have priority and not send from mainsite, but if okay that both parent and child get reviews then that would be nice.

    if delivery delay measured in weeks, … skip it



    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    I have set up a multi-site also and was searching for information on this topic. Is there a topic thread that you are aware of that discusses “issues” related to multi-site? I have my network “setup” and I have created the subdomain, loaded the theme..but.. I cannot get any widgets to load. I hope I am not bumping.. just want to learn. Kind regards,


    Free User
    Post count: 109


    You can’t get any widget to load or can’t you load the WP geodirectory widgets?


    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    Ah.. The widgets are visible in the widget board area where all the other widget are displayed. I can drag or use the drop down to insert them into the frameworks designated locations. They do not display when I go to the front end of the web site..
    Thank you.


    Free User
    Post count: 109


    First of all, I am a user and not a developer but I use multisite as well and I try to help you out of my own expirience 🙂

    If you ever need support with a multisite configuration it’s very important to give as much information as possible. For example in your case:

    1. Do you talk about the main site or an child site.
    2. When a child site: is WP geodirectory and the widgets working in the main site
    3. How did you set up the network:
    With a plugin like prosite? Or standalone?
    It Could be a case of permissions. For me as a user it’s very difficult to help you with this little information. Maybe Paolo and his support team can help you. Sorry



    Post count: 180

    Multisite questions, let’s hope this doesn’t hijack this valuable thread… but…

    first thing to keep in mind with multisite setups, many plugins Should Not be network activated – WPGeodirectory needs to be activated site by site.

    lonewolf95665 – ‘loaded the theme’ is different than activating the plugin


    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    Yes.. I have learned this lesson/concept. Themes networked activated = yes. geodir plugins networked activated = no. Thank you so much everyone for your help.

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