Category listings not showing for custom cpt

This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 5 years, 3 months ago.

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    Rodney Chatman
    Expired Member
    Post count: 89


    I have created a custom cpt and when I go to the map listing for that cpt I don’t see the category filter. I have the following code in my gd-archive page.

    [gd_map width='100%' height='425px' maptype='ROADMAP' zoom='0' map_type='auto' post_settings='true' post_type='' terms='' all_posts='true' post_id='' search_filter='true' post_type_filter='true' cat_filter='true' child_collapse='false' map_directions='true' scrollwheel='false' marker_cluster='true' ][gd_notifications][gd_category_description][gd_search][gd_loop layout=4][gd_loop_paging]

    Everything works as it should otherwise.


    Rodney Chatman
    Expired Member
    Post count: 89

    I have attached some screenshots to elaborate on my issue a bit more. The first screen is what I get on a preview when I edit the gd_map options. The category filter does show on the preview page (and as you can see on the screen shot the filter is very narrow, how come?). The second screenshot is what I get for the custom cpt ‘Business’ that I created to replace the ‘Places’ cpt.


    Rodney Chatman
    Expired Member
    Post count: 89


    After a bit more work I’ve gotten what I need as far as cpt displaying. I have not been able to correct the dimensions of the category search window.


    Rodney Chatman
    Expired Member
    Post count: 89

    As the ever morphing support request continues…

    I have attached a screen shot of my default listings page.
    1. How can I chage the size of the category filter section
    2. How do I display all listing of the selected post type ‘Business’ or ‘Event’ below the search bar that currently reads ‘No listings found that match your selection.’ I want the selection to default to the post type and display all listings under that post type.

    The first screenshot is of the current page. The second screenshot is of what I want the page to look like based on filtered post type.
    See shortcode and screenshot attachments.

    [gd_map width='100%' height='425px' maptype='ROADMAP' zoom='0' map_type='auto' post_settings='false' post_type='gd_business' terms='' all_posts='false' post_id='' search_filter='true' post_type_filter='true' cat_filter='true' child_collapse='true' map_directions='true' scrollwheel='false' marker_cluster='true' ]
    [gd_loop layout=4]

    Post count: 29970

    Please post the URLs of all those pages and your WP admin details in a private reply so we can check and understand better. Thanks.


    Rodney Chatman
    Expired Member
    Post count: 89
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Rodney Chatman
    Expired Member
    Post count: 89


    Any ideas or solutions?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    I took a look and cannot find a CSS rule at fault.

    Your topic has been flagged for the developers to take a look.


    Post count: 7069

    Hello Rodney,

    It seems you have some customization done via css for GeoDirectory v1. I can see you have added themes/kleo/lib/plugin-geodirectory/kleo-geodir.css for customization.

    In GeoDirectory we have used standard template system for GeoDirectory pages & listings to make it more easy for customization.
    Please try to remove/disable customization you have done for v1.

    Let us know how it goes.



    Rodney Chatman
    Expired Member
    Post count: 89

    I’m don’t understand what you mean. Are you saying the file themes/kleo/lib/plugin-geodirectory/kleo-geodir.css is causing the problem and should be removed from the directory?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    Yes, the file seemed to be causing a conflict.
    It looks like you have removed it and the map is working now.

    Do contact the Kleo theme authors about the issue. As far as we know Kleo, because it has integrations with GDV1, is not yet compatible with GDV2.

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